Behaviour Reference

Here is a reference built-in Behaviour of Arbor.


Class Name Description
AgentEscapeFromPosition Move the Agent to escape from Target.
AgentEscapeFromTransform Move the Agent to escape from Target.
AgentEvade Move the Agent to escape considering the movement speed of the Target.
AgentHideFromPosition Move the Agent to hide from the Target.
AgentHideFromTransform Move the Agent to hide from the Target.
AgentInterpose Move the Agent closer to between the two Targets.
AgentLookAtPosition Rotates in the direction of the specified position.
AgentLookAtTransform Rotates in the direction of the specified Transform.
AgentMoveOnWaypoint Move the Agent along the Waypoint.
AgentMoveToPosition Move the Agent to the specified position.
AgentMoveToRandomPosition Random movement within a radius centered on a specified position.
AgentMoveToTransform Move Agent so that it approaches Target.
AgentPursuit Move the Agent to track the Target's movement speed.
AgentSetSamplePositionDistance SetArbor.AgentController.samplePositionDistance
AgentSetSamplePositionEnabled SetArbor.AgentController.samplePositionEnabled
AgentStop Stop the Agent
AgentWander Wander the Agent
AgentWarpToPosition Warp the Agent to the Target position.
AgentWarpToTransform Warp the Agent to the Target position.


Class Name Description
AnimatorCrossFade Transit the state of Animator.
AnimatorPlay Play the state of Animator.
AnimatorSetLayerWeight Set weight of Animator's layer.
CalcAnimatorParameter Calculate and change the parameter of Animator.


Class Name Description
PlaySound Play AudioSource.
PlaySoundAtPoint Play the sound at the specified point.
PlaySoundAtTransform Play the sound at the specified Transform position.
StopSound Stop AudioSource.


Class Name Description
PlayBehaviourTree Play BehaviourTree
StopBehaviourTree Stop BehaviourTree
SubBehaviourTree Play a child hierarchy Behavior Tree
SubBehaviourTreeReference Play external BehaviourTree as a child graph.


Class Name Description
OnCollisionEnterDestroy When OnCollisionEnter is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnCollisionEnterStore When OnCollisionEnter is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnCollisionExitDestroy When OnCollisionExit is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnCollisionExitStore When OnCollisionExit is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnControllerColliderHitDestroy When OnControllerColliderHit is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnControllerColliderHitStore When OnControllerColliderHit is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnTriggerEnterDestroy When OnTriggerEnter is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnTriggerEnterStore When OnTriggerEnter is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnTriggerExitDestroy When OnTriggerExit is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnTriggerExitStore When OnTriggerExit is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.


Class Name Description
OnCollisionEnter2DDestroy When OnCollisionEnter2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnCollisionEnter2DStore When OnCollisionEnter2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnCollisionExit2DDestroy When OnCollisionExit2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnCollisionExit2DStore When OnCollisionExit2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnTriggerEnter2DDestroy When OnTriggerEnter2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnTriggerEnter2DStore When OnTriggerEnter2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.
OnTriggerExit2DDestroy When OnTriggerExit2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject.
OnTriggerExit2DStore When OnTriggerExit2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter.


Class Name Description
ActivateBehaviour Activate Behaviour.
AddComponent Add a component.
DestroyComponent Destroy the component


Class Name Description
InvokeMethod Call a method or field.


Class Name Description
ActivateGameObject It will switch the active GameObject.
BroadcastMessageGameObject It sends a message to the specified GameObject and its child objects.
DestroyGameObject It will remove the GameObject.
FindGameObject Find GameObject by name
FindWithTagGameObject Find GameObject by tag
InstantiateGameObject Instantiate a GameObject.
LookAtGameObject We will watch the specified Transform.
MoveGameObjectToScene Move the GameObject to another scene when the state becomes active.
SendEventGameObject Invoke a member of the object using UnityEvent.
SendMessageGameObject It will send a message to the GameObject.
SendMessageUpwardsGameObject It will send a message to the GameObject and all of the parent object.
SetGameObjectDontDestroyOnLoad Set the specified GameObject to DontDestroyOnLoad when the state becomes active.



Class Name Description
UISetSliderFromParameter Set the value of Slider from Parameter.
UISetToggleFromParameter Set the Toggle from Parameter.


Class Name Description
List.AddElement Add elements to List.
List.Clear Clear List.
List.InsertElement Insert an element into the List.
List.RemoveAtIndex Removes the element with the specified index from List.
List.RemoveElement Removes the specified element from List.
List.SetElement Sets the element at the specified index of List.


Class Name Description
PauseNodeGraph Pause NodeGraph.
PlayNodeGraph Play NodeGraph.
ResumeNodeGraph Resume NodeGraph.
StopNodeGraph Stop NodeGraph.


Class Name Description
AdvancedPooling Instantiate in advance and register to ObjectPool.


Class Name Description
CalcParameter Change by calculating the value of the Parameter.
SetBoolParameterFromUIToggle The value of the Toggle set to Parameter.
SetFloatParameterFromUISlider Set the value of the Slider to Parameter.
SetParameter Set a value for Parameter.


Class Name Description
ActivateCollider Activate Collider.
AddForceRigidbody We will apply a force to Rigidbody.
AddVelocityRigidbody It will add the velocity of Rigidbody.
RigidbodyMoveOnWaypoint Move the Rigidbody along the Waypoint.
SetVelocityRigidbody Set the velocity of Rigidbody.


Class Name Description
AddForceRigidbody2D We will apply a force to Rigidbody2D.
AddVelocityRigidbody2D It will add the velocity of Rigidbody2D.
Rigidbody2DMoveOnWaypoint Move the Rigidbody2D along the Waypoint.
SetVelocityRigidbody2D Set the velocity of Rigidbody2D.


Class Name Description
ActivateRenderer Activate Renderer.
SetRendererColor Set the color of the Renderer.
SetRendererFloat Set the Renderer float value.
SetRendererMaterial Set the Renderer material.
SetRendererTexture Set the Renderer texture.
SetRendererTextureOffset Set the Renderer texture offset.
SetRendererTextureScale Set the Renderer texture scale.
SetRendererVector Set the Renderer vector.
SetSprite Set the Sprite.


Class Name Description
LoadScene Load the specified scene.
RestartScene Restart the current active scene.
SetActiveScene Set the scene to be active.
UnloadScene Unload the specified scene from the current scene.


Class Name Description
EndStateMachine End the state machine now and return to the parent graph.
PlayStateMachine Play ArborFSM.
StopStateMachine Stop ArborFSM.
SubStateMachine Play a child hierarchy ArborFSM.
SubStateMachineReference Play external ArborFSM as a child graph.


Class Name Description
SetTimeScale Set Time.timeScale.


Class Name Description
TransformMoveOnWaypoint Move the Transform along the Waypoint.
TransformRotate Rotate the transform.
TransformSetParent Sets the parent of the specified Transform when the state becomes active.
TransformSetPosition Set the position of Transform.
TransformSetRotation Set the rotation of Transform.
TransformSetScale Set the scale of Transform.
TransformTranslate Moves the transform.


Class Name Description
AnimatorStateTransition Transit by referring to the state of Animator.
BackToStartState Back to the start state.
CalculatorTransition It will transition by the calculation result
DistanceTransition It will transition the state by the distance between the target of GameObject.
ExistsGameObjectTransition GameObject is I will transition on whether exists.
GoToTransition It will transition to force the state.
OnGraphStopTransition Transition when graph stops. If you want to perform termination processing, add it to the resident state and perform termination processing at the transition destination.
ParameterTransition It determines the value of Parameter and makes a transition.
RandomTransition Transit randomly.
TimeTransition It will transition the state after the lapse of time.
TriggerTransition It will transition the state when the trigger has been sent.


Class Name Description
OnCollisionEnterTransition It will transition the state when the OnCollisionEnter is called.
OnCollisionExitTransition It will transition the state when the OnCollisionExit is called.
OnCollisionStayTransition It will transition the state when the OnCollisionStay is called.
OnControllerColliderHitTransition It will transition the state when the OnControllerColliderHit is called.
OnTriggerEnterTransition It will transition the state when the OnTriggerEnter is called.
OnTriggerExitTransition It will transition the state when the OnTriggerExit is called.
OnTriggerStayTransition It will transition the state when the OnTriggerStay is called.


Class Name Description
OnCollisionEnter2DTransition It will transition the state when the OnCollisionEnter2D is called.
OnCollisionExit2DTransition It will transition the state when the OnCollisionExit2D is called.
OnCollisionStay2DTransition It will transition the state when the OnCollisionStay2D is called.
OnTriggerEnter2DTransition It will transition the state when the OnTriggerEnter2D is called.
OnTriggerExit2DTransition It will transition the state when the OnTriggerExit2D is called.
OnTriggerStay2DTransition It will transition the state when the OnTriggerStay2D is called.


Class Name Description
OnPointerClickTransition It will transition the state when the OnPointerClick is called.
OnPointerDownTransition It will transition the state when the OnPointerDown is called.
OnPointerEnterTransition It will transition the state when the OnPointerEnter is called.
OnPointerExitTransition It will transition the state when the OnPointerExit is called.
OnPointerUpTransition It will transition the state when the OnPointerUp is called.


Class Name Description
AnyKeyDownTransition It will transition the state when any key is pressed.
AnyKeyTransition It will transition the state on whether any key is pressed.
ButtonDownTransition It will transition the state when the button is pressed.
ButtonTransition It will transition the state on whether Button is pressed.
ButtonUpTransition It will transition the state when the button is released.
KeyDownTransition It will transition the state when a key is pressed.
KeyTransition It will transition the state on whether is Key pressed.
KeyUpTransition It will transition the state on whether is Key released.
MouseButtonDownTransition It will transition the state when the mouse button is pressed.
MouseButtonTransition It will transition the state on whether the mouse button is pressed.
MouseButtonUpTransition It will transition the state when the mouse button is released.
OnMouseDownTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseDown is called.
OnMouseDragTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseDrag is called.
OnMouseEnterTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseEnter is called.
OnMouseExitTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseExit is called.
OnMouseOverTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseOver is called.
OnMouseUpAsButtonTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseUpAdButton is called.
OnMouseUpTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseUp is called.


Class Name Description
RaycastTransition It will transition by Ray cast.


Class Name Description
Raycast2DTransition It will transition by 2D of Ray cast.


Class Name Description
UIButtonTransition Click the button to make a transition.
UISliderTransition It will transition by the value of the slider.
UIToggleTransition It will transition by the toggle.


Class Name Description
BroadcastTrigger It will send a trigger to a GameObject and child objects.
SendTrigger It will send a trigger.
SendTriggerGameObject Send the trigger to all of ArborFSM that is assigned to the GameObject.
SendTriggerUpwards Send the trigger to all of ArborFSM that is assigned to the GameObject.


Class Name Description
TweenBlendShapeWeight Tween Weight value of BlendShape.
TweenCanvasGroupAlpha Gradually change Alpha of Canvas Group.
TweenColor Gradually change color of Renderer.
TweenColorSimple Gradually change color of Renderer.
TweenMaterialFloat Tween Float value of material.
TweenMaterialVector2 Tween Vector2 of Material.
TweenPosition Gradually change position.
TweenRigidbody2DPosition Gradually change position of Rigidbody2D.
TweenRigidbody2DRotation Gradually change rotaion of Rigidbody2D.
TweenRigidbodyPosition Gradually change position of Rigidbody.
TweenRigidbodyRotation Gradually change rotaion of Rigidbody.
TweenRotation Gradually change rotaion.
TweenScale Gradually change scale.
TweenTextureOffset Gradually change UV cordinates of Texture.
TweenTextureScale Gradually change Tiling of Texture.
TweenTimeScale Tween Time.timeScale.


Class Name Description
UISetImage Set the Sprite to Image.
UISetSlider Set the value of Slider.
UISetText Set the Text.
UISetTextFromParameter Set the Text from Parameter.
UISetToggle Set the Toggle.


Class Name Description
UITweenColor Gradually change color of UI.
UITweenColorSimple Gradually change color of UI.
UITweenPosition Gradually change position of UI.
UITweenSize Gradually change size of UI.