
Class in Arbor / Inherits from: object


Component utility class for Editor

Static Fields

Field Name Description
editorProcessor Component processor in Editor
useEditorProcessor Flag using editorProcessor.

Static Methods

Method Name Description
AddComponent Add component.
DelayCall Delay call. Delayed only in Editor.
DelayDestroy Delay Destroy. Delayed only in Editor.
Destroy Destroy object.
InstantiatePrefab Instantiate a prefab.
IsValidObject Check if Object is valid.
MoveBehaviour Move behavior to node. Valid only in Editor.
MoveParameterContainer Move the parameter container in the graph. Valid only in Editor.
MoveVariable Move variable to parameter. Valid only in Editor.
MoveVariableList Move variableList to parameter. Valid only in Editor.
RecordObject Record object. Valid only in Editor.
RecordObjects Records object. Valid only in Editor.
RefreshNodeGraph Refresh NodeGraph. Valid only in Editor.
RegisterCompleteObjectUndo Register Object in Undo. Valid only in Editor.
SetDirty Marks an Object as dirty. Valid only in Editor.


Type Name Description
DelayCallBack Delegate of delayed invoked method