
Class in Arbor / Inherits from: object
Implements interfaces: System.IEquatable<Bezier2D>


Class to handle the two-dimensional cubic Bezier


Bezier2D new Bezier2D.


Property Name Description
endControl Control point of the end point
endPosition End point
isChanged Whether it has been changed
length Length
startControl Control point of the starting point
startPosition Starting point


Method Name Description
Equals Returns whether this is equal to Bezier2D.
GetClosestParam Get a closest point on the Bezier curve.
GetClosestPoint Get a closest point on the Bezier curve.
GetHashCode Get a hash code.
GetLinearPoint Get a position on the Bezier curve linear.
GetPoint Get a position on the Bezier curve.
GetTangent Get a tangent on the Bezier curve.
LinearToInterpolationParam Returns normal interpolation value of Bezier curve from linear interpolation value t.
SetEndPoint Set End point.
SetStartPoint Set Start point.
ToString Convert value to string format.

Static Methods

Method Name Description
GetBoundingBox Get the bounding box of a Bezier curve.
GetPoint Get a position on the Bezier curve.
GetTangent Get a tangent on the Bezier curve.


Operator Name Description
operator != Returns whether Bezier2D are not equal.
operator == Returns whether Bezier2D is equal.