Class in Arbor.BehaviourTree / Inherits from: TreeBehaviourNode
The node that executes the action
Method Name | Description |
CreateActionBehaviour | Create a ActionBehaviour. Use it in the editor. |
Inherited Members
Field Name | Description |
nodeComment | Comment |
position | Position on the Arbor Editor. |
showComment | Whether to display comments |
Property Name | Description |
behaviour | Main behaviour |
behaviourTree | Gets the behaviour tree. |
breakPoint | Break point.When this property is true, the editor will be paused when the node becomes active. |
decoratorList | Decorator list |
enablePriority | Returns true if it is traced from the root node and connected. |
isActive | Returns true if it is active. |
name | Node name. |
nodeGraph | Gets the NodeGraph. |
nodeID | Gets the node identifier. |
parentNode | Get parent node. |
priority | The priority of the node. |
serviceList | Service list |
status | The state of the node. |
Event Name | Description |
onChangedPriority | Called when priority changes. |
Method Name | Description |
AddDecorator | Adds the Decorator. |
AddService | Adds the Service. |
DestroyAllBehaviour | Destroy all behaviour. |
DestroyBehaviour | Destroy behaviour. |
GetBehaviourObject | Get Main Behaviour Object. |
GetName | Get node name. |
GetOldName | Get the node name before Arbor 3.9.0. |
HasChildLinkSlot | Whether this node has a NodeLinkSlot to child. |
HasParentLinkSlot | Whether this node has a NodeLinkSlot to parent. |
InsertDecorator | Insert the Decorator. |
InsertService | Insert the Service. |
IsContainsBehaviour | Check if it contains NodeBehaviour. |
IsDeletable | Returns whether or not it can be deleted. |
MoveDecorator | Move the order of Decorator. |
MoveService | Move the order of Service. |
OnAfterDeserialize | Called from ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize. |
OnBeforeSerialize | Called from ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize. |
OnGraphChanged | Called when the NodeGraph to which the Node belongs has changed. |
SetBehaviour | Set Main Behaviour. |
ToString | Convert node to string (for debugging). |
Static Fields
Field Name | Description |
defaultWidth | Default width of node |