
Class in Arbor.ParameterBehaviours / Inherits from: SetParameterBehaviourInternal


Set a value for Parameter.

Inherited Members


Field Name Description
expanded Expanded on ArborEditorWindow.
onBehaviourEnabledChanged Called when behaviorEnabled changes
schedulerDestroyTiming Timing to destroy the scheduler.
schedulerUpdateTiming Scheduler update timing


Property Name Description
behaviourEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether [behaviour enabled].
calculatorSlotFieldCount Number of DataSlotField
CancellationTokenOnEnd Cancel token generated when exiting a node
dataSlotCount Number of DataSlot
dataSlotFieldCount Number of DataSlotField
isInGraphParameter Whether this refers to a parameter in the graph.
nextTransitionState Next state
node Get the Node.
nodeGraph Gets the NodeGraph.
nodeID Gets the node identifier.
prevTransitionState Prev state
scheduler Get scheduler.
schedulerProgress Get the progress of the scheduler
state Get the State.
stateID Gets the state identifier.
stateLinkCount Count of StateLink.
stateMachine Gets the state machine.


Event Name Description
onStateLinkRebuilt Called when the StateLink cache is rebuilt
onValidate Callback called during OnValidate


Method Name Description
AddBehaviour Adds the behaviour.
ContainsSlot Determine if the Data Slot is included.
Destroy Destroys this instance.
GetBehaviour Gets the behaviour.
GetBehaviours Gets the behaviours.
GetCalculatorSlotField Get DataSlotField.
GetDataSlot Get DataSlot.
GetDataSlotField Get DataSlotField.
GetOrCreateScheduler Get the scheduler. If there is no scheduler, create one.
GetStateLink Return StateLink of index.
Initialize For Editor.
OnCreated Raises the created event.
OnGraphPause This function is called when the graph is paused.
OnGraphResume This function is called when the graph resumes.
OnGraphStop This function is called when the graph stops.
OnInitializeEnabled Called to perform enabled initialization.
OnPreDestroy Raises the pre destroy event.
OnRebuildFields It is called when reconstructing data about fields.
OnStateAwake Called when [state enter first].
OnStateBegin Called when [state enter].
OnStateEnd Called when [state exit].
OnStateFixedUpdate FixedUpdate for State. Frame-rate-independent Update for physics operations.
OnStateLateUpdate LateUpdate for State. Every frame, called after all updates.
OnStateTrigger Called from SendTrigger.
OnStateUpdate Update of State. It is called every frame.
RebuildCalculatorSlotFields Rebuild the DataSlotField.
RebuildDataSlotFieldIfNecessary Check if DataSlot exists and rebuild if necessary.
RebuildDataSlotFields Rebuild the DataSlotField.
RebuildFields For internal.
RebuildStateLinkCache Rebuild StateLink's cache.
SetParameter Set parameter.
Transition State transition
UpdateDataLink Manually update DataLink values.Update the value of DataLink field of DataLinkUpdateTiming.Manual.
Yield Gets an awaitable asynchronous task that waits until the next OnUpdate call.

Static Methods

Method Name Description
CreateNodeBehaviour For Editor.
Destroy Destroy NodeBehaviour.