
Class in Arbor.TaskSystem / Inherits from: Task<T>


The base class of a task that processes by time.

Type Parameters

Type Parameter Name Description Type Constraints
T Type to implement


Field Name Description
interuptPause Whether to pause the timer by interrupt


Property Name Description
duration Time to process
progress Progress from 0f to 1f
timeType Time type


Event Name Description
onProgress Called when progress changes


Method Name Description
Init Method called when initializing
OnEnter Method called when execution starts
OnExit Method called when exiting a task
OnInterruptPause Method called when paused by interrupt
OnInterruptResume Method called when resuming from pause due to interrupt
OnPause Method called when paused
OnProgress Perform processing according to progress
OnResume Method called when resuming from pause
OnUpdate Method called when updated
ToString Convert to a character string that represents the execution status of the task.

Static Methods

Method Name Description
GetPooled Get a task instance from the pool

Inherited Members


Field Name Description
pooled Whether it is pooled


Property Name Description
scheduler Returns the registered Task Scheduler.
taskStatus Task status


Event Name Description
onComplete Called when completed


Method Name Description
Complete Complete the task.
Dispose Dispose of it.
OnComplete Method called when the task is completed
Pause Pause the task.
Resume Resume the task from pause.
Update Update the task.

Static Methods

Method Name Description
GetPooled Get a task instance from the pool