
MoveToRandomPosition(Vector3, float, float, float, bool)

public void MoveToRandomPosition(Vector3 center, float speed, float radius, float stoppingDistance, bool checkRaycast) ;


Move towards a random position within a specified radius


Parameter Name Description
center Center
speed Speed to move
radius Radius from the starting position
stoppingDistance Stopping distance
checkRaycast Whether to make corrections by raycasting.
If true, move toward the wall without detouring the wall.

MoveToRandomPosition(float, float, float, bool)

public void MoveToRandomPosition(float speed, float radius, float stoppingDistance, bool checkRaycast) ;


Move from the start position to a random position within the specified radius


Parameter Name Description
speed Speed to move
radius Radius from the starting position
stoppingDistance Stopping distance
checkRaycast Whether to make corrections by raycasting.
If true, move toward the wall without detouring the wall.