Behaviour Reference¶
Here is a reference built-in Behaviour of Arbor.
AgentEscape | Move the Agent to escape from Target. |
AgentFollow | Move Agent so that it approaches Target. |
AgentPatrol | The Agent to patrol the vicinity of the initial position. |
AgentStop | Stop the Agent |
AnimatorCrossFade | Transit the state of Animator. |
AnimatorSetLayerWeight | Set weight of Animator's layer. |
CalcAnimatorParameter | Calculate and change the parameter of Animator. |
PlaySound | Play AudioSource. |
PlaySoundAtPoint | Play the sound at the specified point. |
PlaySoundAtTransform | Play the sound at the specified Transform position. |
StopSound | Stop AudioSource. |
OnCollisionEnterDestroy | When OnCollisionEnter is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnCollisionEnterStore | When OnCollisionEnter is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnCollisionExitDestroy | When OnCollisionExit is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnCollisionExitStore | When OnCollisionExit is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnControllerColliderHitDestroy | When OnControllerColliderHit is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnControllerColliderHitStore | When OnControllerColliderHit is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnTriggerEnterDestroy | When OnTriggerEnter is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnTriggerEnterStore | When OnTriggerEnter is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnTriggerExitDestroy | When OnTriggerExit is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnTriggerExitStore | When OnTriggerExit is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnCollisionEnter2DDestroy | When OnCollisionEnter2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnCollisionEnter2DStore | When OnCollisionEnter2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnCollisionExit2DDestroy | When OnCollisionExit2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnCollisionExit2DStore | When OnCollisionExit2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnTriggerEnter2DDestroy | When OnTriggerEnter2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnTriggerEnter2DStore | When OnTriggerEnter2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
OnTriggerExit2DDestroy | When OnTriggerExit2D is called, it will destroy an opponent GameObject. |
OnTriggerExit2DStore | When OnTriggerExit2D is called, it will store an opponent GameObject to the parameter. |
ActivateGameObject | It will switch the active GameObject. |
BroadcastMessageGameObject | It sends a message to the specified GameObject and its child objects. |
DestroyGameObject | It will remove the GameObject. |
FindGameObject | GameObject search by the name is then stored in the parameter. |
FindWithTagGameObject | GameObject the searches in the tag and then stored in the parameter. |
InstantiateGameObject | GameObject the searches in the tag and then stored in the parameter. |
LookAtGameObject | We will watch the specified Transform. |
SendEventGameObject | It will send the event. |
SendMessageGameObject | It will send a message to the GameObject. |
SendMessageUpwardsGameObject | It will send a message to the GameObject and all of the parent object. |
CalcParameter | Change by calculating the value of the Parameter. |
SetBoolParameterFromUIToggle | The value of the Toggle set to Parameter. |
SetFloatParameterFromUISlider | Set the value of the Slider to Parameter. |
AddForceRigidbody | We will apply a force to Rigidbody. |
AddVelocityRigidbody | It will add the velocity of Rigidbody. |
SetVelocityRigidbody | Set the velocity of Rigidbody. |
AddForceRigidbody2D | We will apply a force to Rigidbody2D. |
AddVelocityRigidbody2D | It will add the velocity of Rigidbody2D. |
SetVelocityRigidbody2D | Set the velocity of Rigidbody2D. |
LoadLevel | Load the specified scene. |
UnloadLevel | Unload the specified scene from the current scene. |
AnimatorStateTransition | Transit by referring to the state of Animator. |
BackToStartState | Back to the start state. |
CalculatorTransition | It will transition by the calculation result |
DistanceTransition | It will transition the state by the distance between the target of GameObject. |
ExistsGameObjectTransition | GameObject is I will transition on whether exists. |
GoToTransition | It will transition to force the state. |
ParameterTransition | It determines the value of Parameter and makes a transition. |
RandomTransition | Transit randomly. |
TimeTransition | It will transition the state after the lapse of time. |
TriggerTransition | It will transition the state when the trigger has been sent. |
OnCollisionEnterTransition | It will transition the state when the OnCollisionEnter is called. |
OnCollisionExitTransition | It will transition the state when the OnCollisionExit is called. |
OnCollisionStayTransition | It will transition the state when the OnCollisionStay is called. |
OnControllerColliderHitTransition | It will transition the state when the OnControllerColliderHit is called. |
OnTriggerEnterTransition | It will transition the state when the OnTriggerEnter is called. |
OnTriggerExitTransition | It will transition the state when the OnTriggerExit is called. |
OnTriggerStayTransition | It will transition the state when the OnTriggerStay is called. |
OnCollisionEnter2DTransition | It will transition the state when the OnCollisionEnter2D is called. |
OnCollisionExit2DTransition | It will transition the state when the OnCollisionExit2D is called. |
OnCollisionStay2DTransition | It will transition the state when the OnCollisionStay2D is called. |
OnTriggerEnter2DTransition | It will transition the state when the OnTriggerEnter2D is called. |
OnTriggerExit2DTransition | It will transition the state when the OnTriggerExit2D is called. |
OnTriggerStay2DTransition | It will transition the state when the OnTriggerStay2D is called. |
OnPointerClickTransition | It will transition the state when the OnPointerClick is called. |
OnPointerDownTransition | It will transition the state when the OnPointerDown is called. |
OnPointerEnterTransition | It will transition the state when the OnPointerEnter is called. |
OnPointerExitTransition | It will transition the state when the OnPointerExit is called. |
OnPointerUpTransition | It will transition the state when the OnPointerUp is called. |
AnyKeyDownTransition | It will transition the state when any key is pressed. |
AnyKeyTransition | It will transition the state on whether any key is pressed. |
ButtonDownTransition | It will transition the state when the button is pressed. |
ButtonTransition | It will transition the state on whether Button is pressed. |
ButtonUpTransition | It will transition the state when the button is released. |
KeyDownTransition | It will transition the state when a key is pressed. |
KeyTransition | It will transition the state on whether is Key pressed. |
KeyUpTransition | It will transition the state on whether is Key released. |
MouseButtonDownTransition | It will transition the state when the mouse button is pressed. |
MouseButtonTransition | It will transition the state on whether the mouse button is pressed. |
MouseButtonUpTransition | It will transition the state when the mouse button is released. |
OnMouseDownTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseDown is called. |
OnMouseDragTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseDrag is called. |
OnMouseEnterTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseEnter is called. |
OnMouseExitTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseExit is called. |
OnMouseOverTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseOver is called. |
OnMouseUpAsButtonTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseUpAdButton is called. |
OnMouseUpTransition | It will transition the state when the OnMouseUp is called. |
BroadcastTrigger | It will send a trigger to a GameObject and child objects. |
SendTrigger | It will send a trigger. |
SendTriggerGameObject | Send the trigger to all of ArborFSM that is assigned to the GameObject. |
SendTriggerUpwards | Send the trigger to all of ArborFSM that is assigned to the GameObject. |
TweenCanvasGroupAlpha | Gradually change Alpha of Canvas Group. |
TweenColor | Gradually change color of Renderer. |
TweenPosition | Gradually change position. |
TweenRigidbody2DPosition | Gradually change position of Rigidbody2D. |
TweenRigidbody2DRotation | Gradually change rotaion of Rigidbody2D. |
TweenRigidbodyPosition | Gradually change position of Rigidbody. |
TweenRigidbodyRotation | Gradually change rotaion of Rigidbody. |
TweenRotation | Gradually change rotaion. |
TweenScale | Gradually change scale. |
TweenTextureOffset | Gradually change UV cordinates of Texture. |
UISetSlider | Set the value of Slider. |
UISetSliderFromParameter | Set the value of Slider from Parameter. |
UISetTextFromParameter | Set the Text from Parameter. |
UISetToggle | Set the Toggle. |
UISetToggleFromParameter | Set the Toggle from Parameter. |
UITweenColor | Gradually change color of UI. |
UITweenPosition | Gradually change position of UI. |
UITweenSize | Gradually change size of UI. |