
Class Name Description
Vector4.Add Add Vector4.
Vector4.Compose Compose Vector4.
Vector4.Decompose Decompose Vector4.
Vector4.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector4.Div Divide Vector4 by float.
Vector4.Dot Dot Product of two vectors.
Vector4.Equals Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal.
Vector4.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector4 using an indexer.
Vector4.GetW Output the W component of Vector4.
Vector4.GetX Output the X component of Vector4.
Vector4.GetY Output the Y component of Vector4.
Vector4.GetZ Output the Z component of Vector4.
Vector4.Lerp Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector4.LerpUnclamped Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector4.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector4.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector4.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector4.MoveTowards Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target.
Vector4.Mul Multiply Vector4 by float.
Vector4.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector4.
Vector4.Normalize Vector4 normalized vector
Vector4.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal.
Vector4.Project Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors.
Vector4.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector4.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector4 using an indexer.
Vector4.SetW Sets the W component of Vector4.
Vector4.SetX Sets the X component of Vector4.
Vector4.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector4.
Vector4.SetZ Sets the Z component of Vector4.
Vector4.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector4.Sub Subtract Vector4.
Vector4.ToColor Vector4 is converted to Color.
Vector4.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector4.
Vector4.ToVector2 Vector4 is converted to Vector2.
Vector4.ToVector3 Vector4 is converted to Vector3.