
Class Name Description
Quaternion.Angle Calculate the angle between two Quaternions.
Quaternion.AngleAxis Create a Quaternion that rotates Angle degrees around Axis.
Quaternion.Compose Compose Quaternion.
Quaternion.Decompose Decompose Quaternion.
Quaternion.Dot Calculates the dot product of two Quaternion.
Quaternion.Equals Returns true if two quaternions are approximately equal.
Quaternion.Euler Calculate the Quaternion value from Euler angle.
Quaternion.EulerAngles Calculate the Euler angle value from Quaternion.
Quaternion.FromToRotation Creates a rotation which rotates from FromDirection to ToDirection.
Quaternion.GetIndexer Output the components of Quaternion using an indexer.
Quaternion.GetW Output the W component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.GetX Output the X component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.GetY Output the Y component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.GetZ Output the Z component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.Inverse Calculates the reverse Quaternion.
Quaternion.Lerp Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.LerpUnclamped Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.LookRotation Create a Quaternion to Forward.
Quaternion.Mul Multiply by Quaternion.
Quaternion.MulVector3 Multiply Vector3 by Quaternion.
Quaternion.Normalize Returns the normalized quaternion.
Quaternion.NotEquals Returns true if two quaternions are not approximately equal.
Quaternion.RotateTowards Calculates the Quaternion to To from From.
Quaternion.SetIndexer Sets the components of Quaternion using an indexer.
Quaternion.SetW Sets the W component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.SetX Sets the X component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.SetY Sets the Y component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.SetZ Sets the Z component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.Slerp Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.ToAngleAxis Convert Quaternion to rotation axis and angle.
Quaternion.ToString Returns a formatted string of Quaternion.