Quaternion.Angle |
Calculate the angle between two Quaternions. |
Quaternion.AngleAxis |
Create a Quaternion that rotates Angle degrees around Axis. |
Quaternion.Compose |
Compose Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Decompose |
Decompose Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Dot |
Calculates the dot product of two Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Equals |
Returns true if two quaternions are approximately equal. |
Quaternion.Euler |
Calculate the Quaternion value from Euler angle. |
Quaternion.EulerAngles |
Calculate the Euler angle value from Quaternion. |
Quaternion.FromToRotation |
Creates a rotation which rotates from FromDirection to ToDirection. |
Quaternion.GetIndexer |
Output the components of Quaternion using an indexer. |
Quaternion.GetW |
Output the W component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.GetX |
Output the X component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.GetY |
Output the Y component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.GetZ |
Output the Z component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Inverse |
Calculates the reverse Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Lerp |
Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.LerpUnclamped |
Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.LookRotation |
Create a Quaternion to Forward. |
Quaternion.Mul |
Multiply by Quaternion. |
Quaternion.MulVector3 |
Multiply Vector3 by Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Normalize |
Returns the normalized quaternion. |
Quaternion.NotEquals |
Returns true if two quaternions are not approximately equal. |
Quaternion.RotateTowards |
Calculates the Quaternion to To from From. |
Quaternion.SetIndexer |
Sets the components of Quaternion using an indexer. |
Quaternion.SetW |
Sets the W component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.SetX |
Sets the X component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.SetY |
Sets the Y component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.SetZ |
Sets the Z component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Slerp |
Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped |
Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.ToAngleAxis |
Convert Quaternion to rotation axis and angle. |
Quaternion.ToString |
Returns a formatted string of Quaternion. |