Calculator Reference
Here is a reference built-in Calculator of Arbor.
Class Name | Description |
Bool.And | Calculate the Bool value by And. |
Bool.Equals | Returns true if the Bool are the same. |
Bool.Not | Calculate the Bool value by Not. |
Bool.NotEquals | Returns true if the Bool are not the same. |
Bool.Or | Calculate the Bool value by Or. |
Bool.Parse | Returns an Bool converted from a string. |
Bool.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Bool. |
Bool.TryParse | Returns an Bool converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful. |
Class Name | Description |
Bounds.ClosestPoint | Returns the position on the bounding box that is close to the specified position. |
Bounds.Compose | Compose Bounds. |
Bounds.ComposeMinMax | Create Bounds from Min and Max. |
Bounds.ComposeMinMaxVec | Create Bounds from Min and Max. |
Bounds.Contains | Is point contained in the bounding box? |
Bounds.Decompose | Decompose Bounds to size and size. |
Bounds.DecomposeMinMax | Decompose Bounds into Min and Max. |
Bounds.DecomposeMinMaxVec | Decompose Bounds into Min and Max. |
Bounds.EncapsulateBounds | Grow the bounds to encapsulate the bounds. |
Bounds.EncapsulateVector3 | Grows the Bounds to include the point. |
Bounds.Equals | Returns true if the Bounds are the same. |
Bounds.ExpandFloat | Expand the bounds by increasing its size by amount along each side. |
Bounds.ExpandVector3 | Expand the bounds by increasing its size by amount along each side. |
Bounds.GetCenter | Returns the position of the center of the Bounds. |
Bounds.GetExtents | Returns the extents of the Bounds. |
Bounds.GetMax | Returns the position of the maximum corner of the Bounds. |
Bounds.GetMin | Returns the position of the minimum corner of the Bounds. |
Bounds.GetSize | Returns the size of the Bounds. |
Bounds.Intersects | Determine the intersection of bounding boxes. |
Bounds.NotEquals | Returns true if the Bounds are not the same. |
Bounds.SetCenter | Sets the position of the center of the Bounds. |
Bounds.SetExtents | Sets the extents of the Bounds. |
Bounds.SetMax | Sets the position of the maximum corner of the Bounds. |
Bounds.SetMin | Sets the position of the minimum corner of the Bounds. |
Bounds.SetSize | Sets the size of the Bounds. |
Bounds.SqrDistance | The smallest squared distance between the point and this bounding box. |
Bounds.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Bounds. |
Class Name | Description |
BoundsInt.ClampToBounds | Clamps the position and size of the BoundsInt to the given bounds. |
BoundsInt.Compose | Compose BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.ComposeMinMax | Create BoundsInt from Min and Max. |
BoundsInt.ComposeMinMaxVec | Create BoundsInt from Min and Max vector. |
BoundsInt.Contains | Is point contained in the bounding box? |
BoundsInt.Decompose | Decompose BoundsInt to size and size. |
BoundsInt.DecomposeMinMax | Decompose BoundsInt into Min and Max. |
BoundsInt.DecomposeMinMaxVec | Decompose BoundsInt into Min and Max. |
BoundsInt.Equals | Returns true if the BoundsInt are the same. |
BoundsInt.GetCenter | The position of the center of the rectangle. |
BoundsInt.GetMax | Returns the position of the maximum corner of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetMin | Returns the position of the minimum corner of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetPosition | Returns the position of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetSize | Returns the size of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetX | Returns the X component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetXMax | Returns the XMax component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetXMin | Returns the XMin component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetY | Returns the Y component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetYMax | Returns the YMax component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetYMin | Returns the YMin component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetZ | Returns the Z component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetZMax | Returns the ZMax component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.GetZMin | Returns the ZMin component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.NotEquals | Returns true if the BoundsInt are not the same. |
BoundsInt.SetMax | Sets the position of the maximum corner of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetMin | Sets the position of the minimum corner of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetPosition | Sets the position of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetSize | Sets the size of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetX | Sets the X component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetXMax | Sets the XMax component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetXMin | Sets the XMin component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetY | Sets the Y component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetYMax | Sets the YMax component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetYMin | Sets the YMin component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetZ | Sets the Z component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetZMax | Sets the ZMax component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.SetZMin | Sets the ZMin component of the BoundsInt. |
BoundsInt.ToString | Returns a formatted string of BoundsInt. |
Class Name | Description |
Collider.AttachedRigidbody | Output Rigidbody attached to Collider. |
Collider.Bounds | The world space bounding volume of the collider. |
Collider.ClosestPointOnBounds | The closest point to the bounding box of the attached collider. |
Class Name | Description |
Collider2D.AttachedRigidbody | Output Rigidbody2D attached to Collider2D. |
Collider2D.Bounds | The world space bounding volume of the Collider2D. |
Collider2D.OverlapPoint | Check if a collider overlaps a point in space. |
Class Name | Description |
Collision.Collider | Output Collider hit from Collision. |
Collision.GameObject | Output GameObject hit from Collision. |
Collision.RelativeVelocity | Output the relative velocity of the two collided objects. |
Collision.Rigidbody | Output Rigidbody hit from Collision. |
Collision.Transform | Output Transform hit from Collision. |
Class Name | Description |
Collision2D.Collider | Output Collider2D hit from Collision2D. |
Collision2D.GameObject | Output GameObject hit from Collision2D. |
Collision2D.RelativeVelocity | Output the relative velocity of the two collided objects. |
Collision2D.Rigidbody | Output Rigidbody2D hit from Collision2D. |
Collision2D.Transform | Output Transform hit from Collision2D. |
Class Name | Description |
Color.Add | Add Color. |
Color.Compose | Compose Color. |
Color.ComposeHSV | Compose Color from HSV. |
Color.Decompose | Decompose Color. |
Color.DecomposeHSV | Decompose Color into HSV. |
Color.Div | Divide Color by float. |
Color.Equals | Returns true if two colors are approximately equal. |
Color.Gamma | Output the gamma of Color. |
Color.GetA | Output the A component of Color. |
Color.GetB | Output the B component of Color. |
Color.GetG | Output the G component of Color. |
Color.GetIndexer | Output the components of Color using an indexer. |
Color.GetR | Output the R component of Color. |
Color.Grayscale | Output the grayscale of Color. |
Color.Lerp | Linear interpolation is performed between the colors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Color.LerpUnclamped | Linear interpolation is performed between the colors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Color.Linear | Output the linear color of Color. |
Color.MaxColorComponent | Outputs the value of the maximum component of Color. |
Color.Mul | Multiply Color by float. |
Color.NotEquals | Returns true if two Color are not approximately equal. |
Color.Scale | Multiplies two Color component-wise. |
Color.SetA | Sets the A component of Color. |
Color.SetB | Sets the B component of Color. |
Color.SetG | Sets the G component of Color. |
Color.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Color using an indexer. |
Color.SetR | Sets the R component of Color. |
Color.Sub | Subtract Color. |
Color.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Color. |
Color.ToVector4 | Color is converted to Vector4. |
Class Name | Description |
Component.GetGameObject | Output Component's GameObject. |
GameObject.GetComponent | Output Component from GameObject. |
Class Name | Description |
EnumFlags.Add | Add enum flags(bitwise OR) |
EnumFlags.Contains | Returns whether the enum flag is contained |
EnumFlags.Remove | Remove the enum flag |
Class Name | Description |
GetValue | Get the values of fields and properties and output them to the data flow. |
Class Name | Description |
Float.Add | Add float. |
Float.Compare | Compare floats. |
Float.Div | Divide the float. |
Float.Mod | Computes the remainder of float. (Result = Value1 % Value2) |
Float.Mul | Multiply by float. |
Float.Negative | To invert the sign of the float. |
Float.Parse | Returns an Float converted from a string. |
Float.Sub | Subtract float. |
Float.ToInt | Convert float to int. |
Float.ToLong | Convert float to long. |
Float.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Float. |
Float.TryParse | Returns an Float converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful. |
Class Name | Description |
FindGameObject | Finds and returns a GameObject by name. |
FindGameObjectsWithTag | Finds and returns active GameObjects with the specified tag. |
FindGameObjectWithTag | Finds and returns one active GameObject with the specified tag. |
Class Name | Description |
Input.GetAxis | Get the value of the input axis (Input.GetAxis). |
Input.GetAxisRaw | Get the raw input axis value (Input.GetAxisRaw). |
Class Name | Description |
Int.Add | Add int. |
Int.Compare | Compare int. |
Int.Div | Divide the int. |
Int.Mod | Computes the remainder of int. (Result = Value1 % Value2) |
Int.Mul | Multiply by int. |
Int.Negative | To invert the sign of the int. |
Int.Parse | Returns an Int converted from a string. |
Int.Sub | Subtract int. |
Int.ToFloat | Convert int to float. |
Int.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Int. |
Int.TryParse | Returns an Int converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful. |
Class Name | Description |
List.Contains | Determines if the List contains elements. |
List.Count | Count the number of elements in List. |
List.GetElement | Get List element. |
List.IndexOf | Gets the index where the List elements are stored. |
List.LastIndexOf | Search the index where the element is stored from the end. |
List.ToArrayList | Convert List to array or List. |
NewArrayList | Create a new array or List. |
Class Name | Description |
Long.Add | Add long. |
Long.Compare | Compare long. |
Long.Div | Divide the long. |
Long.Mod | Computes the remainder of long. (Result = Value1 % Value2) |
Long.Mul | Multiply by long. |
Long.Negative | To invert the sign of the long. |
Long.Parse | Returns an Long converted from a string. |
Long.Sub | Subtract long. |
Long.ToFloat | Convert long to float. |
Long.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Long. |
Long.TryParse | Returns an Long converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful. |
Class Name | Description |
Mathf.AbsFloat | The absolute value of the float. |
Mathf.AbsInt | The absolute value of the int. |
Mathf.Acos | Calculate acos. |
Mathf.Asin | Calculate asin. |
Mathf.Atan | Calculate atan. |
Mathf.Atan2 | Calculate atan2. |
Mathf.Ceil | Calculate the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.CeilToInt | Calculate the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.Clamp01 | Clamps value between 0 and 1 |
Mathf.ClampFloat | Clamps a value between a Min and Max value. |
Mathf.ClampInt | Clamps a value between a Min and Max value. |
Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo | Outputs the closest power of two value. |
Mathf.Cos | Calculate cos. |
Mathf.DegToRad | Convert from degrees to radians. |
Mathf.DeltaAngle | Calculates the shortest difference between two given angles given in degrees. |
Mathf.Exp | Calculates e raised to the specified power. |
Mathf.Floor | Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.FloorToInt | Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace | Converts the given value from gamma (sRGB) to linear color space. |
Mathf.InverseLerp | Calculate a interpolation parameter that generates a value to be interpolated within the range from From to To. |
Mathf.Lerp | Linearly interpolate values within the range from From to To. |
Mathf.LerpAngle | Linearly interpolate the angle within the range from From to To. |
Mathf.LinearToGammaSpace | Converts the given value from linear to gamma (sRGB) color space. |
Mathf.Log | Calculate the logarithm (base e). |
Mathf.Log10 | Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. |
Mathf.LogBase | Calculate the logarithm. |
Mathf.MaxFloat | Calculate the maximum value from two float values. |
Mathf.MaxInt | Calculate the maximum value from two int values. |
Mathf.MinFloat | Calculate the minimum value from two float values. |
Mathf.MinInt | Calculate the minimum value from two int values. |
Mathf.MoveTowards | Calculate the amount of movement to move from Current to Target at the speed of MaxDelta. |
Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle | Calculate the amount of movement to move from Current to Target at the speed of MaxDelta. |
Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo | Calculates the next power of two value. |
Mathf.PerlinNoise | Generate 2D Perlin noise. |
Mathf.PingPong | The interpolation parameter T makes a round trip between 0 and Length. |
Mathf.Pow | Calculates Value raised to power Power. |
Mathf.RadToDeg | Convert from radians to degrees. |
Mathf.Repeat | Loop from 0 to Length by interpolation parameter T. |
Mathf.Round | Calculate the integer closest to Value. |
Mathf.RoundToInt | Calculate the integer closest to Value. |
Mathf.Sign | Calculate the sign of Value. |
Mathf.Sin | Calculate sin. |
Mathf.SmoothStep | Interpolate with limited smoothing between From and To. |
Mathf.Sqrt | Calculates the square root. |
Mathf.Tan | Calculate tan. |
Class Name | Description |
NodeGraph.GetName | Output the node graph name. |
NodeGraph.GetRootGameObject | Output the root graph GameObject. |
NodeGraph.GetRootGraph | Output the root graph. |
Class Name | Description |
GetParameter | Get a value from Parameter. |
Class Name | Description |
Quaternion.Angle | Calculate the angle between two Quaternions. |
Quaternion.AngleAxis | Create a Quaternion that rotates Angle degrees around Axis. |
Quaternion.Compose | Compose Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Decompose | Decompose Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Dot | Calculates the dot product of two Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Equals | Returns true if two quaternions are approximately equal. |
Quaternion.Euler | Calculate the Quaternion value from Euler angle. |
Quaternion.EulerAngles | Calculate the Euler angle value from Quaternion. |
Quaternion.FromToRotation | Creates a rotation which rotates from FromDirection to ToDirection. |
Quaternion.GetIndexer | Output the components of Quaternion using an indexer. |
Quaternion.GetW | Output the W component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.GetX | Output the X component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.GetY | Output the Y component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.GetZ | Output the Z component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Inverse | Calculates the reverse Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Lerp | Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.LerpUnclamped | Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.LookRotation | Create a Quaternion to Forward. |
Quaternion.Mul | Multiply by Quaternion. |
Quaternion.MulVector3 | Multiply Vector3 by Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Normalize | Returns the normalized quaternion. |
Quaternion.NotEquals | Returns true if two quaternions are not approximately equal. |
Quaternion.RotateTowards | Calculates the Quaternion to To from From. |
Quaternion.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Quaternion using an indexer. |
Quaternion.SetW | Sets the W component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.SetX | Sets the X component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.SetY | Sets the Y component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.SetZ | Sets the Z component of Quaternion. |
Quaternion.Slerp | Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped | Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To. |
Quaternion.ToAngleAxis | Convert Quaternion to rotation axis and angle. |
Quaternion.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Quaternion. |
Class Name | Description |
Random.Bool | Outputs a random bool value. |
Random.InsideUnitCircle | Output a random point inside the unit circle. |
Random.InsideUnitSphere | Output a random point inside the unit sphere. |
Random.OnUnitSphere | Output a random point on the unit sphere. |
Random.RangeColor | Output the color of random time in Gradient. |
Random.RangeColorSimple | Outputs a random color between two colors. |
Random.RangeFloat | Outputs a random float value between two values. |
Random.RangeInt | Outputs a random int value between two values. |
Random.RangeQuaternion | Outputs a random Quaternion value between two values. |
Random.RangeVector2 | Outputs a random Vector2 value between two values. |
Random.RangeVector3 | Outputs a random Vector3 value between two values. |
Random.Rotation | Outputs a random rotation. |
Random.RotationUniform | Outputs a random rotation with uniform distribution. |
Random.SelectComponent | Output component selected randomly from the list. |
Random.SelectGameObject | Output GameObject selected randomly from the list. |
Random.SelectString | Output string selected randomly from the list. |
Random.Value | Outputs a random float value. |
Class Name | Description |
RaycastHit.BarycentricCoordinate | The barycentric coordinate of the triangle we hit. |
RaycastHit.Collider | The Collider that was hit. |
RaycastHit.Distance | The distance from the ray's origin to the impact point. |
RaycastHit.LightmapCoord | The uv lightmap coordinate at the impact point. |
RaycastHit.Normal | The normal of the surface the ray hit. |
RaycastHit.Point | The impact point in world space where the ray hit the collider. |
RaycastHit.Rigidbody | The Rigidbody of the collider that was hit. |
RaycastHit.TextureCoord | The uv texture coordinate at the collision location. |
RaycastHit.TextureCoord2 | The secondary uv texture coordinate at the impact point. |
RaycastHit.Transform | The Transform of the rigidbody or collider that was hit. |
RaycastHit.TriangleIndex | The index of the triangle that was hit. |
Class Name | Description |
RaycastHit2D.Centroid | The centroid of the primitive used to perform the cast. |
RaycastHit2D.Collider | The Collider2D that was hit. |
RaycastHit2D.Distance | The distance from the ray's origin to the impact point. |
RaycastHit2D.Fraction | Fraction of the distance along the ray that the hit occurred. |
RaycastHit2D.Normal | The normal vector of the surface hit by the ray. |
RaycastHit2D.Point | The impact point in world space where the ray hit the collider. |
RaycastHit2D.Rigidbody | The Rigidbody2D of the Collider2D that was hit. |
RaycastHit2D.Transform | The Transform of the Rigidbody2D or Collider2D that was hit. |
Class Name | Description |
Rect.Compose | Compose Rect. |
Rect.ComposeMinMax | Create Rect from Min and Max. |
Rect.ComposeMinMaxVec | Create Rect from Min and Max. |
Rect.ComposeVec | Compose Rect. |
Rect.Contains | Whether the Point is inside the Rect. |
Rect.Decompose | Decompose Rect into position and size. |
Rect.DecomposeMinMax | Decompose Rect into Min and Max. |
Rect.DecomposeMinMaxVec | Decompose Rect into Min and Max. |
Rect.DecomposeVec | Decompose Rect into position and size. |
Rect.Equals | Returns true if the rectangles are the same. |
Rect.GetCenter | Returns the position of the center of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetHeight | Returns the height of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetMax | Returns the position of the maximum corner of the rect. |
Rect.GetMin | Returns the position of the minimum corner of the rect. |
Rect.GetPosition | Returns the position of the rect. |
Rect.GetSize | Returns the size of the rect. |
Rect.GetWidth | Returns the width of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetX | Returns the X component of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetXMax | Returns the XMax component of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetXMin | Returns the XMin component of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetY | Returns the Y component of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetYMax | Returns the YMax component of the rectangle. |
Rect.GetYMin | Returns the YMin component of the rectangle. |
Rect.NormalizedToPoint | Calculates a point inside a rectangle, given normalized coordinates. |
Rect.NotEquals | Returns true if the rectangles are not the same. |
Rect.Overlaps | Whether rectangles overlap each other or not. |
Rect.PointToNormalized | Calculates the normalized coordinates cooresponding the the point. |
Rect.SetCenter | Sets the position of the center of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetHeight | Sets the height of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetMax | Sets the position of the maximum corner of the rect. |
Rect.SetMin | Sets the position of the minimum corner of the rect. |
Rect.SetPosition | Sets the position of the rect. |
Rect.SetSize | Sets the size of the rect. |
Rect.SetWidth | Sets the width of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetX | Sets the X component of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetXMax | Sets the XMax component of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetXMin | Sets the XMin component of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetY | Sets the Y component of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetYMax | Sets the YMax component of the rectangle. |
Rect.SetYMin | Sets the YMin component of the rectangle. |
Rect.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Rect. |
Class Name | Description |
RectInt.ClampToBounds | Clamps the position and size of the RectInt to the given bounds. |
RectInt.Compose | Compose RectInt. |
RectInt.ComposeMinMax | Create RectInt from Min and Max. |
RectInt.ComposeMinMaxVec | Create RectInt from Min and Max vector. |
RectInt.ComposeVec | Compose RectInt. |
RectInt.Contains | Whether the Point is inside the RectInt. |
RectInt.Decompose | Decompose RectInt into position and size. |
RectInt.DecomposeMinMax | Decompose RectInt into Min and Max. |
RectInt.DecomposeMinMaxVec | Decompose RectInt into Min and Max. |
RectInt.DecomposeVec | Decompose RectInt into position and size. |
RectInt.Equals | Returns true if the rectangles are the same. |
RectInt.GetCenter | The position of the center of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetHeight | Returns the height of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetMax | Returns the position of the maximum corner of the rect. |
RectInt.GetMin | Returns the position of the minimum corner of the rect. |
RectInt.GetPosition | Returns the position of the rect. |
RectInt.GetSize | Returns the size of the rect. |
RectInt.GetWidth | Returns the width of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetX | Returns the X component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetXMax | Returns the XMax component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetXMin | Returns the XMin component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetY | Returns the Y component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetYMax | Returns the YMax component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.GetYMin | Returns the YMin component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.NotEquals | Returns true if the rectangles are not the same. |
RectInt.Overlaps | Whether rectangles overlap each other or not. |
RectInt.SetHeight | Sets the height of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetMax | Sets the position of the maximum corner of the rect. |
RectInt.SetMin | Sets the position of the minimum corner of the rect. |
RectInt.SetPosition | Sets the position of the rect. |
RectInt.SetSize | Sets the size of the rect. |
RectInt.SetWidth | Sets the width of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetX | Sets the X component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetXMax | Sets the XMax component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetXMin | Sets the XMin component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetY | Sets the Y component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetYMax | Sets the YMax component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.SetYMin | Sets the YMin component of the rectangle. |
RectInt.ToString | Returns a formatted string of RectInt. |
Class Name | Description |
RectTransform.AnchoredPosition | The position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point. |
RectTransform.AnchoredPosition3D | The 3D position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point. |
RectTransform.AnchorMax | The normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the upper right corner is anchored to. |
RectTransform.AnchorMin | The normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the lower left corner is anchored to. |
RectTransform.Get | Gets the RectTransform attached to GameObject. |
RectTransform.OffsetMax | The offset of the upper right corner of the rectangle relative to the upper right anchor. |
RectTransform.OffsetMin | The offset of the lower left corner of the rectangle relative to the lower left anchor. |
RectTransform.Pivot | The normalized position in this RectTransform that it rotates around. |
RectTransform.Rect | The calculated rectangle in the local space of the Transform. |
RectTransform.SizeDelta | The size of this RectTransform relative to the distances between the anchors. |
Class Name | Description |
Rigidbody.AngularDrag | The angular drag of the object. |
Rigidbody.AngularVelocity | The angular velocity vector of the rigidbody measured in radians per second. |
Rigidbody.CenterOfMass | The center of mass relative to the transform's origin. |
Rigidbody.ClosestPointOnBounds | The closest point to the bounding box of the attached colliders. |
Rigidbody.Drag | The drag of the object. |
Rigidbody.Get | Gets the Rigidbody attached to GameObject. |
Rigidbody.GetPointVelocity | The velocity of the rigidbody at the point worldPoint in global space. |
Rigidbody.GetRelativePointVelocity | The velocity relative to the rigidbody at the point relativePoint. |
Rigidbody.InertiaTensor | The diagonal inertia tensor of mass relative to the center of mass. |
Rigidbody.InertiaTensorRotation | The rotation of the inertia tensor. |
Rigidbody.Mass | The mass of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody.MaxAngularVelocity | The maximimum angular velocity of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody.Position | The position of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody.Rotation | The rotation of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody.SolverIterationCount | The iteration count of the solver. |
Rigidbody.Velocity | The velocity vector of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody.WorldCenterOfMass | The center of mass of the rigidbody in world space. |
Class Name | Description |
Rigidbody2D.AngularDrag | The angular drag of the object. |
Rigidbody2D.AngularVelocity | The angular velocity of the Rigidbody2D measured in radians per second. |
Rigidbody2D.CenterOfMass | The center of mass relative to the transform's origin. |
Rigidbody2D.Drag | The drag of the object. |
Rigidbody2D.Get | Gets the Rigidbody2D attached to GameObject. |
Rigidbody2D.GetPoint | Get a local space point given the point Point in rigidBody global space. |
Rigidbody2D.GetPointVelocity | The velocity of the Rigidbody2D at the point Point in global space. |
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativePoint | Get a global space point given the point relativePoint in rigidBody local space. |
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativePointVelocity | Get a global space point given the point RelativePoint in rigidBody local space. |
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativeVector | Get a global space vector given the vector RelativeVector in rigidBody local space. |
Rigidbody2D.GetVector | Get a local space vector given the vector Vector in rigidBody global space. |
Rigidbody2D.GravityScale | The degree to which this object is affected by gravity. |
Rigidbody2D.Inertia | The rigidBody rotational inertia. |
Rigidbody2D.Mass | Mass of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody2D.Position | The position of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody2D.Rotation | The rotation of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody2D.Velocity | Linear velocity of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody2D.WorldCenterOfMass | Gets the center of mass of the rigidBody in global space. |
Class Name | Description |
GetActiveSceneName | Get active scenbe name. |
Class Name | Description |
String.Compare | Compare String. |
String.Concat | Concatenate strings. |
String.Contains | Returns whether the string contains. |
String.EndsWith | Returns whether the end of the string matches. |
String.IndexOf | Returns the index where the string was first found. |
String.Insert | Insert a string. |
String.IsNullOrEmpty | Returns whether the string is null or empty. |
String.Join | Concatenate strings. using the specified separator between each element. |
String.LastIndexOf | Returns the index where the string was last found. |
String.Length | Returns the length of the string. |
String.Remove | Remove a part from the string. |
String.Replace | Replaces the specified string with another string. |
String.StartsWith | Returns whether the beginning of the string matches. |
String.Substring | Extract a part from the string. |
String.ToLower | Converts the string to lowercase and returns it. |
String.ToUpper | Converts the string to uppercase and returns it. |
ToString | Convert the value to a string. |
Class Name | Description |
Transform.EulerAngles | The rotation as Euler angles in degrees. |
Transform.Forward | The blue axis of the transform in world space. |
Transform.Get | Gets the Transform attached to GameObject. |
Transform.InverseTransformDirection | Transforms a direction from world space to local space. |
Transform.InverseTransformPoint | Transforms Point from world space to local space. |
Transform.InverseTransformVector | Transforms a Vector from world space to local space. |
Transform.LocalEulerAngles | The rotation as Euler angles in degrees relative to the parent transform's rotation. |
Transform.LocalPosition | Position of the transform relative to the parent transform. |
Transform.LocalRotation | The rotation of the transform relative to the parent transform's rotation. |
Transform.LocalScale | The scale of the transform relative to the parent. |
Transform.LossyScale | The global scale of the object |
Transform.Parent | The parent of the transform. |
Transform.Position | The position of the transform in world space. |
Transform.Right | The red axis of the transform in world space. |
Transform.Root | Gets the topmost transform in the hierarchy. |
Transform.Rotation | The rotation of the transform in world space stored as a Quaternion. |
Transform.TransformDirection | Transforms Direction from local space to world space. |
Transform.TransformPoint | Transforms Point from local space to world space. |
Transform.TransformVector | Transforms Vector from local space to world space. |
Transform.Up | The green axis of the transform in world space. |
Class Name | Description |
Vector2.Add | Add Vector2. |
Vector2.Angle | Calculates the angle in degrees between from and to. |
Vector2.ClampMagnitude | Calculates a vector with its magnitude clamped to MaxLength. |
Vector2.Compose | Compose Vector2. |
Vector2.Decompose | Decompose Vector2. |
Vector2.Distance | Calculates the distance between A and B. |
Vector2.Div | Divide Vector2 by float. |
Vector2.Dot | Dot Product of two vectors. |
Vector2.Equals | Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal. |
Vector2.GetIndexer | Output the components of Vector2 using an indexer. |
Vector2.GetX | Output the X component of Vector2. |
Vector2.GetY | Output the Y component of Vector2. |
Vector2.Lerp | Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector2.LerpUnclamped | Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector2.Magnitude | The length of vector. |
Vector2.Max | Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Vector2.Min | Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
Vector2.MoveTowards | Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target. |
Vector2.Mul | Multiply Vector2 by float. |
Vector2.Negative | To invert the sign of the Vector2. |
Vector2.Normalize | Vector2 normalized vector |
Vector2.NotEquals | Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal. |
Vector2.Perpendicular | Returns Vector2 perpendicular to the specified Vector2 The result is always rotated 90-degrees in a counter-clockwise direction for a 2D coordinate system where the positive Y axis goes up. |
Vector2.Reflect | Reflects a vector off the vector defined by a normal. |
Vector2.Scale | Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Vector2.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Vector2 using an indexer. |
Vector2.SetX | Sets the X component of Vector2. |
Vector2.SetY | Sets the Y component of Vector2. |
Vector2.SignedAngle | Calculates the signed angle in degrees between from and to. |
Vector2.SmoothDamp | Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. |
Vector2.SqrMagnitude | Calculate the length of the square of the vector. |
Vector2.Sub | Subtract Vector2. |
Vector2.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Vector2. |
Vector2.ToVector3 | Vector2 is converted to Vector3. |
Vector2.ToVector4 | Vector2 is converted to Vector4. |
Class Name | Description |
Vector2Int.Add | Add Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.CeilToInt | Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Ceiling to each value. |
Vector2Int.Clamp | Clamps the Vector2Int to the bounds given by min and max. |
Vector2Int.Compose | Compose Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.Decompose | Decompose Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.Distance | Calculates the distance between A and B. |
Vector2Int.Div | Divide Vector2Int by int. |
Vector2Int.Equals | Returns true if two vectors are equal. |
Vector2Int.FloorToInt | Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Floor to each value. |
Vector2Int.GetIndexer | Output the components of Vector2Int using an indexer. |
Vector2Int.GetX | Output the X component of Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.GetY | Output the Y component of Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.Magnitude | The length of vector. |
Vector2Int.Max | Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Vector2Int.Min | Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
Vector2Int.Mul | Multiply Vector2Int 2 by int. |
Vector2Int.Negative | To invert the sign of the Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.NotEquals | Returns true if two vectors are not equal. |
Vector2Int.RoundToInt | Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Round to each value. |
Vector2Int.Scale | Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Vector2Int.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Vector2Int using an indexer. |
Vector2Int.SetX | Sets the X component of Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.SetY | Sets the Y component of Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.SqrMagnitude | Calculate the length of the square of the vector. |
Vector2Int.Sub | Subtract Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Vector2Int. |
Vector2Int.ToVector2 | Vector2Int is converted to Vector2. |
Vector2Int.ToVector3Int | Vector2Int is converted to Vector3Int. |
Class Name | Description |
Vector3.Add | Add Vector3. |
Vector3.Angle | Calculates the angle in degrees between from and to. |
Vector3.ClampMagnitude | Calculates a vector with its magnitude clamped to MaxLength. |
Vector3.Compose | Compose Vector3. |
Vector3.Cross | Cross Product of two vectors. |
Vector3.Decompose | Decompose Vector3. |
Vector3.Distance | Calculates the distance between A and B. |
Vector3.Div | Divide Vector3 by float. |
Vector3.Dot | Dot Product of two vectors. |
Vector3.Equals | Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal. |
Vector3.GetIndexer | Output the components of Vector3 using an indexer. |
Vector3.GetX | Output the X component of Vector3. |
Vector3.GetY | Output the Y component of Vector3. |
Vector3.GetZ | Output the Z component of Vector3. |
Vector3.Lerp | Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.LerpUnclamped | Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.Magnitude | The length of vector. |
Vector3.Max | Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Vector3.Min | Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
Vector3.MoveTowards | Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target. |
Vector3.Mul | Multiply Vector3 by float. |
Vector3.Negative | To invert the sign of the Vector3. |
Vector3.Normalize | Vector3 normalized vector |
Vector3.NotEquals | Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal. |
Vector3.OrthoNormalize | Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector3.OrthoNormalize2 | Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector3.Project | Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector3.ProjectOnPlane | Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane. |
Vector3.Reflect | Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal. |
Vector3.RotateTowards | Rotates a vector Current towards Target. |
Vector3.Scale | Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Vector3.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Vector3 using an indexer. |
Vector3.SetX | Sets the X component of Vector3. |
Vector3.SetY | Sets the Y component of Vector3. |
Vector3.SetZ | Sets the Z component of Vector3. |
Vector3.SignedAngle | Calculates the signed angle in degrees between from and to. |
Vector3.Slerp | Spherical linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.SlerpUnclamped | Spherical linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.SmoothDamp | Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. |
Vector3.SqrMagnitude | Calculate the length of the square of the vector. |
Vector3.Sub | Subtract Vector3. |
Vector3.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Vector3. |
Vector3.ToVector2 | Vector3 is converted to Vector2. |
Vector3.ToVector4 | Vector3 is converted to Vector4. |
Class Name | Description |
Vector3Int.Add | Add Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.CeilToInt | Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Ceiling to each value. |
Vector3Int.Clamp | Clamps the Vector3Int to the bounds given by min and max. |
Vector3Int.Compose | Compose Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.Decompose | Decompose Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.Distance | Calculates the distance between A and B. |
Vector3Int.Div | Divide Vector3Int by int. |
Vector3Int.Equals | Returns true if two vectors are equal. |
Vector3Int.FloorToInt | Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Floor to each value. |
Vector3Int.GetIndexer | Output the components of Vector3Int using an indexer. |
Vector3Int.GetX | Output the X component of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.GetY | Output the Y component of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.GetZ | Output the Z component of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.Magnitude | The length of vector. |
Vector3Int.Max | Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Vector3Int.Min | Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
Vector3Int.Mul | Multiply Vector3Int 2 by int. |
Vector3Int.Negative | To invert the sign of the Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.NotEquals | Returns true if two vectors are not equal. |
Vector3Int.RoundToInt | Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Round to each value. |
Vector3Int.Scale | Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Vector3Int.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Vector3Int using an indexer. |
Vector3Int.SetX | Sets the X component of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.SetY | Sets the Y component of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.SetZ | Sets the Z component of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.SqrMagnitude | Calculate the length of the square of the vector. |
Vector3Int.Sub | Subtract Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Vector3Int. |
Vector3Int.ToVector2Int | Vector3Int is converted to Vector2Int. |
Vector3Int.ToVector3 | Vector3Int is converted to Vector3. |
Class Name | Description |
Vector4.Add | Add Vector4. |
Vector4.Compose | Compose Vector4. |
Vector4.Decompose | Decompose Vector4. |
Vector4.Distance | Calculates the distance between A and B. |
Vector4.Div | Divide Vector4 by float. |
Vector4.Dot | Dot Product of two vectors. |
Vector4.Equals | Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal. |
Vector4.GetIndexer | Output the components of Vector4 using an indexer. |
Vector4.GetW | Output the W component of Vector4. |
Vector4.GetX | Output the X component of Vector4. |
Vector4.GetY | Output the Y component of Vector4. |
Vector4.GetZ | Output the Z component of Vector4. |
Vector4.Lerp | Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector4.LerpUnclamped | Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector4.Magnitude | The length of vector. |
Vector4.Max | Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Vector4.Min | Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
Vector4.MoveTowards | Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target. |
Vector4.Mul | Multiply Vector4 by float. |
Vector4.Negative | To invert the sign of the Vector4. |
Vector4.Normalize | Vector4 normalized vector |
Vector4.NotEquals | Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal. |
Vector4.Project | Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector4.Scale | Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Vector4.SetIndexer | Sets the components of Vector4 using an indexer. |
Vector4.SetW | Sets the W component of Vector4. |
Vector4.SetX | Sets the X component of Vector4. |
Vector4.SetY | Sets the Y component of Vector4. |
Vector4.SetZ | Sets the Z component of Vector4. |
Vector4.SqrMagnitude | Calculate the length of the square of the vector. |
Vector4.Sub | Subtract Vector4. |
Vector4.ToColor | Vector4 is converted to Color. |
Vector4.ToString | Returns a formatted string of Vector4. |
Vector4.ToVector2 | Vector4 is converted to Vector2. |
Vector4.ToVector3 | Vector4 is converted to Vector3. |