
Class Name Description
Random.Bool Outputs a random bool value.
Random.InsideUnitCircle Output a random point inside the unit circle.
Random.InsideUnitSphere Output a random point inside the unit sphere.
Random.OnUnitSphere Output a random point on the unit sphere.
Random.RangeColor Output the color of random time in Gradient.
Random.RangeColorSimple Outputs a random color between two colors.
Random.RangeFloat Outputs a random float value between two values.
Random.RangeInt Outputs a random int value between two values.
Random.RangeQuaternion Outputs a random Quaternion value between two values.
Random.RangeVector2 Outputs a random Vector2 value between two values.
Random.RangeVector3 Outputs a random Vector3 value between two values.
Random.Rotation Outputs a random rotation.
Random.RotationUniform Outputs a random rotation with uniform distribution.
Random.SelectComponent Output component selected randomly from the list.
Random.SelectGameObject Output GameObject selected randomly from the list.
Random.SelectString Output string selected randomly from the list.
Random.Value Outputs a random float value.