
Class Name Description
Vector3Int.Add Add Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.CeilToInt Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Ceiling to each value.
Vector3Int.Clamp Clamps the Vector3Int to the bounds given by min and max.
Vector3Int.Compose Compose Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.Decompose Decompose Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector3Int.Div Divide Vector3Int by int.
Vector3Int.Equals Returns true if two vectors are equal.
Vector3Int.FloorToInt Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Floor to each value.
Vector3Int.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector3Int using an indexer.
Vector3Int.GetX Output the X component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.GetY Output the Y component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.GetZ Output the Z component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector3Int.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector3Int.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector3Int.Mul Multiply Vector3Int 2 by int.
Vector3Int.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not equal.
Vector3Int.RoundToInt Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Round to each value.
Vector3Int.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector3Int.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector3Int using an indexer.
Vector3Int.SetX Sets the X component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.SetZ Sets the Z component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector3Int.Sub Subtract Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.ToVector2Int Vector3Int is converted to Vector2Int.
Vector3Int.ToVector3 Vector3Int is converted to Vector3.