
Class Name Description
RectInt.ClampToBounds Clamps the position and size of the RectInt to the given bounds.
RectInt.Compose Compose RectInt.
RectInt.ComposeMinMax Create RectInt from Min and Max.
RectInt.ComposeMinMaxVec Create RectInt from Min and Max vector.
RectInt.ComposeVec Compose RectInt.
RectInt.Contains Whether the Point is inside the RectInt.
RectInt.Decompose Decompose RectInt into position and size.
RectInt.DecomposeMinMax Decompose RectInt into Min and Max.
RectInt.DecomposeMinMaxVec Decompose RectInt into Min and Max.
RectInt.DecomposeVec Decompose RectInt into position and size.
RectInt.Equals Returns true if the rectangles are the same.
RectInt.GetCenter The position of the center of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetHeight Returns the height of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetMax Returns the position of the maximum corner of the rect.
RectInt.GetMin Returns the position of the minimum corner of the rect.
RectInt.GetPosition Returns the position of the rect.
RectInt.GetSize Returns the size of the rect.
RectInt.GetWidth Returns the width of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetX Returns the X component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetXMax Returns the XMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetXMin Returns the XMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetY Returns the Y component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetYMax Returns the YMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetYMin Returns the YMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.NotEquals Returns true if the rectangles are not the same.
RectInt.Overlaps Whether rectangles overlap each other or not.
RectInt.SetHeight Sets the height of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetMax Sets the position of the maximum corner of the rect.
RectInt.SetMin Sets the position of the minimum corner of the rect.
RectInt.SetPosition Sets the position of the rect.
RectInt.SetSize Sets the size of the rect.
RectInt.SetWidth Sets the width of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetX Sets the X component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetXMax Sets the XMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetXMin Sets the XMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetY Sets the Y component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetYMax Sets the YMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetYMin Sets the YMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.ToString Returns a formatted string of RectInt.