
Class Name Description
AnyKeyDownTransition It will transition the state when any key is pressed.
AnyKeyTransition It will transition the state on whether any key is pressed.
ButtonDownTransition It will transition the state when the button is pressed.
ButtonTransition It will transition the state on whether Button is pressed.
ButtonUpTransition It will transition the state when the button is released.
KeyDownTransition It will transition the state when a key is pressed.
KeyTransition It will transition the state on whether is Key pressed.
KeyUpTransition It will transition the state on whether is Key released.
MouseButtonDownTransition It will transition the state when the mouse button is pressed.
MouseButtonTransition It will transition the state on whether the mouse button is pressed.
MouseButtonUpTransition It will transition the state when the mouse button is released.
OnMouseDownTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseDown is called.
OnMouseDragTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseDrag is called.
OnMouseEnterTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseEnter is called.
OnMouseExitTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseExit is called.
OnMouseOverTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseOver is called.
OnMouseUpAsButtonTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseUpAdButton is called.
OnMouseUpTransition It will transition the state when the OnMouseUp is called.