Vector3.Add |
Add Vector3. |
Vector3.Angle |
Calculates the angle in degrees between from and to. |
Vector3.ClampMagnitude |
Calculates a vector with its magnitude clamped to MaxLength. |
Vector3.Compose |
Compose Vector3. |
Vector3.Cross |
Cross Product of two vectors. |
Vector3.Decompose |
Decompose Vector3. |
Vector3.Distance |
Calculates the distance between A and B. |
Vector3.Div |
Divide Vector3 by float. |
Vector3.Dot |
Dot Product of two vectors. |
Vector3.Equals |
Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal. |
Vector3.GetIndexer |
Output the components of Vector3 using an indexer. |
Vector3.GetX |
Output the X component of Vector3. |
Vector3.GetY |
Output the Y component of Vector3. |
Vector3.GetZ |
Output the Z component of Vector3. |
Vector3.Lerp |
Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.LerpUnclamped |
Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.Magnitude |
The length of vector. |
Vector3.Max |
Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
Vector3.Min |
Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
Vector3.MoveTowards |
Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target. |
Vector3.Mul |
Multiply Vector3 by float. |
Vector3.Negative |
To invert the sign of the Vector3. |
Vector3.Normalize |
Vector3 normalized vector |
Vector3.NotEquals |
Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal. |
Vector3.OrthoNormalize |
Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector3.OrthoNormalize2 |
Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector3.Project |
Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors. |
Vector3.ProjectOnPlane |
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane. |
Vector3.Reflect |
Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal. |
Vector3.RotateTowards |
Rotates a vector Current towards Target. |
Vector3.Scale |
Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
Vector3.SetIndexer |
Sets the components of Vector3 using an indexer. |
Vector3.SetX |
Sets the X component of Vector3. |
Vector3.SetY |
Sets the Y component of Vector3. |
Vector3.SetZ |
Sets the Z component of Vector3. |
Vector3.SignedAngle |
Calculates the signed angle in degrees between from and to. |
Vector3.Slerp |
Spherical linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.SlerpUnclamped |
Spherical linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T. |
Vector3.SmoothDamp |
Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. |
Vector3.SqrMagnitude |
Calculate the length of the square of the vector. |
Vector3.Sub |
Subtract Vector3. |
Vector3.ToString |
Returns a formatted string of Vector3. |
Vector3.ToVector2 |
Vector3 is converted to Vector2. |
Vector3.ToVector4 |
Vector3 is converted to Vector4. |