
Class Name Description
Color.Add Add Color.
Color.Compose Compose Color.
Color.ComposeHSV Compose Color from HSV.
Color.Decompose Decompose Color.
Color.DecomposeHSV Decompose Color into HSV.
Color.Div Divide Color by float.
Color.Equals Returns true if two colors are approximately equal.
Color.Gamma Output the gamma of Color.
Color.GetA Output the A component of Color.
Color.GetB Output the B component of Color.
Color.GetG Output the G component of Color.
Color.GetIndexer Output the components of Color using an indexer.
Color.GetR Output the R component of Color.
Color.Grayscale Output the grayscale of Color.
Color.Lerp Linear interpolation is performed between the colors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Color.LerpUnclamped Linear interpolation is performed between the colors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Color.Linear Output the linear color of Color.
Color.MaxColorComponent Outputs the value of the maximum component of Color.
Color.Mul Multiply Color by float.
Color.NotEquals Returns true if two Color are not approximately equal.
Color.Scale Multiplies two Color component-wise.
Color.SetA Sets the A component of Color.
Color.SetB Sets the B component of Color.
Color.SetG Sets the G component of Color.
Color.SetIndexer Sets the components of Color using an indexer.
Color.SetR Sets the R component of Color.
Color.Sub Subtract Color.
Color.ToString Returns a formatted string of Color.
Color.ToVector4 Color is converted to Vector4.