
Change by calculating the value of the Parameter.


Property Name Description
Execute Method Flags The method to execute
Execute with the method entered in the node.
Execute with node update method.
Late Update
Execute at LateUpdate.
Execute when leaving a node.
Fixed Update
Execute with FixedUpdate method.
Reference Parameters to be referenced.
Parameter Type Parameters to be referenced. Used when reference.type is other than ParameterReferenceType.Constant.
Reference Type Parameters to be referenced type. Used when reference.type is other than ParameterReferenceType.Constant.
Function Type to calculate (Int, Long, Float, String only).
Substitute values.
Add values.
To subtract it, specify a negative value.
Int Value Int value to be computed
Long Value Long value to be computed
Float Value Float value to be computed
Bool Value Bool value to be computed
String Value String value to be computed
Enum Value Enum value to be computed
Game Object Value GameObject value to be computed
Vector 2 Value Vector2 value to be computed
Vector 3 Value Vector3 value to be computed
Quaternion Value Quaternion value to be computed
Rect Value Rect value to be computed
Bounds Value Bounds value to be computed
Color Value Color value to be computed
Vector 4 Value Vector4 value to be computed
Vector 2 Int Value Vector2Int value to be computed
Vector 3 Int Value Vector3Int value to be computed
Rect Int Value RectInt value to be computed
Bounds Int Value BoundsInt value to be computed
Transform Value Transform value to be computed
Rect Transform Value RectTransform value to be computed
Rigidbody Value Rigidbody value to be computed
Rigidbody 2D Value Rigidbody2D value to be computed
Component Value Component value to be computed
Asset Object Value AssetObject value to be computed