Random.Bool |
Outputs a random bool value. |
Random.InsideUnitCircle |
Output a random point inside the unit circle. |
Random.InsideUnitSphere |
Output a random point inside the unit sphere. |
Random.OnUnitSphere |
Output a random point on the unit sphere. |
Random.RangeColor |
Output the color of random time in Gradient. |
Random.RangeColorSimple |
Outputs a random color between two colors. |
Random.RangeFloat |
Outputs a random float value between two values. |
Random.RangeInt |
Outputs a random int value between two values. |
Random.RangeQuaternion |
Outputs a random Quaternion value between two values. |
Random.RangeVector2 |
Outputs a random Vector2 value between two values. |
Random.RangeVector3 |
Outputs a random Vector3 value between two values. |
Random.Rotation |
Outputs a random rotation. |
Random.RotationUniform |
Outputs a random rotation with uniform distribution. |
Random.SelectComponent |
Output component selected randomly from the list. |
Random.SelectGameObject |
Output GameObject selected randomly from the list. |
Random.SelectString |
Output string selected randomly from the list. |
Random.Value |
Outputs a random float value. |