Mathf.AbsFloat |
The absolute value of the float. |
Mathf.AbsInt |
The absolute value of the int. |
Mathf.Acos |
Calculate acos. |
Mathf.Asin |
Calculate asin. |
Mathf.Atan |
Calculate atan. |
Mathf.Atan2 |
Calculate atan2. |
Mathf.Ceil |
Calculate the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.CeilToInt |
Calculate the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.Clamp01 |
Clamps value between 0 and 1 |
Mathf.ClampFloat |
Clamps a value between a Min and Max value. |
Mathf.ClampInt |
Clamps a value between a Min and Max value. |
Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo |
Outputs the closest power of two value. |
Mathf.Cos |
Calculate cos. |
Mathf.DegToRad |
Convert from degrees to radians. |
Mathf.DeltaAngle |
Calculates the shortest difference between two given angles given in degrees. |
Mathf.Exp |
Calculates e raised to the specified power. |
Mathf.Floor |
Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.FloorToInt |
Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to the value. |
Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace |
Converts the given value from gamma (sRGB) to linear color space. |
Mathf.InverseLerp |
Calculate a interpolation parameter that generates a value to be interpolated within the range from From to To. |
Mathf.Lerp |
Linearly interpolate values within the range from From to To. |
Mathf.LerpAngle |
Linearly interpolate the angle within the range from From to To. |
Mathf.LinearToGammaSpace |
Converts the given value from linear to gamma (sRGB) color space. |
Mathf.Log |
Calculate the logarithm (base e). |
Mathf.Log10 |
Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. |
Mathf.LogBase |
Calculate the logarithm. |
Mathf.MaxFloat |
Calculate the maximum value from two float values. |
Mathf.MaxInt |
Calculate the maximum value from two int values. |
Mathf.MinFloat |
Calculate the minimum value from two float values. |
Mathf.MinInt |
Calculate the minimum value from two int values. |
Mathf.MoveTowards |
Calculate the amount of movement to move from Current to Target at the speed of MaxDelta. |
Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle |
Calculate the amount of movement to move from Current to Target at the speed of MaxDelta. |
Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo |
Calculates the next power of two value. |
Mathf.PerlinNoise |
Generate 2D Perlin noise. |
Mathf.PingPong |
The interpolation parameter T makes a round trip between 0 and Length. |
Mathf.Pow |
Calculates Value raised to power Power. |
Mathf.RadToDeg |
Convert from radians to degrees. |
Mathf.Repeat |
Loop from 0 to Length by interpolation parameter T. |
Mathf.Round |
Calculate the integer closest to Value. |
Mathf.RoundToInt |
Calculate the integer closest to Value. |
Mathf.Sign |
Calculate the sign of Value. |
Mathf.Sin |
Calculate sin. |
Mathf.SmoothStep |
Interpolate with limited smoothing between From and To. |
Mathf.Sqrt |
Calculates the square root. |
Mathf.Tan |
Calculate tan. |