Calculator Reference

Here is a reference built-in Calculator of Arbor.


Class Name Description
Bool.And Calculate the Bool value by And.
Bool.Equals Returns true if the Bool are the same.
Bool.Not Calculate the Bool value by Not.
Bool.NotEquals Returns true if the Bool are not the same.
Bool.Or Calculate the Bool value by Or.
Bool.Parse Returns an Bool converted from a string.
Bool.ToString Returns a formatted string of Bool.
Bool.TryParse Returns an Bool converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful.


Class Name Description
Bounds.ClosestPoint Returns the position on the bounding box that is close to the specified position.
Bounds.Compose Compose Bounds.
Bounds.ComposeMinMax Create Bounds from Min and Max.
Bounds.ComposeMinMaxVec Create Bounds from Min and Max.
Bounds.Contains Is point contained in the bounding box?
Bounds.Decompose Decompose Bounds to size and size.
Bounds.DecomposeMinMax Decompose Bounds into Min and Max.
Bounds.DecomposeMinMaxVec Decompose Bounds into Min and Max.
Bounds.EncapsulateBounds Grow the bounds to encapsulate the bounds.
Bounds.EncapsulateVector3 Grows the Bounds to include the point.
Bounds.Equals Returns true if the Bounds are the same.
Bounds.ExpandFloat Expand the bounds by increasing its size by amount along each side.
Bounds.ExpandVector3 Expand the bounds by increasing its size by amount along each side.
Bounds.GetCenter Returns the position of the center of the Bounds.
Bounds.GetExtents Returns the extents of the Bounds.
Bounds.GetMax Returns the position of the maximum corner of the Bounds.
Bounds.GetMin Returns the position of the minimum corner of the Bounds.
Bounds.GetSize Returns the size of the Bounds.
Bounds.Intersects Determine the intersection of bounding boxes.
Bounds.NotEquals Returns true if the Bounds are not the same.
Bounds.SetCenter Sets the position of the center of the Bounds.
Bounds.SetExtents Sets the extents of the Bounds.
Bounds.SetMax Sets the position of the maximum corner of the Bounds.
Bounds.SetMin Sets the position of the minimum corner of the Bounds.
Bounds.SetSize Sets the size of the Bounds.
Bounds.SqrDistance The smallest squared distance between the point and this bounding box.
Bounds.ToString Returns a formatted string of Bounds.


Class Name Description
BoundsInt.ClampToBounds Clamps the position and size of the BoundsInt to the given bounds.
BoundsInt.Compose Compose BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.ComposeMinMax Create BoundsInt from Min and Max.
BoundsInt.ComposeMinMaxVec Create BoundsInt from Min and Max vector.
BoundsInt.Contains Is point contained in the bounding box?
BoundsInt.Decompose Decompose BoundsInt to size and size.
BoundsInt.DecomposeMinMax Decompose BoundsInt into Min and Max.
BoundsInt.DecomposeMinMaxVec Decompose BoundsInt into Min and Max.
BoundsInt.Equals Returns true if the BoundsInt are the same.
BoundsInt.GetCenter The position of the center of the rectangle.
BoundsInt.GetMax Returns the position of the maximum corner of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetMin Returns the position of the minimum corner of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetPosition Returns the position of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetSize Returns the size of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetX Returns the X component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetXMax Returns the XMax component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetXMin Returns the XMin component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetY Returns the Y component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetYMax Returns the YMax component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetYMin Returns the YMin component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetZ Returns the Z component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetZMax Returns the ZMax component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.GetZMin Returns the ZMin component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.NotEquals Returns true if the BoundsInt are not the same.
BoundsInt.SetMax Sets the position of the maximum corner of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetMin Sets the position of the minimum corner of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetPosition Sets the position of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetSize Sets the size of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetX Sets the X component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetXMax Sets the XMax component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetXMin Sets the XMin component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetY Sets the Y component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetYMax Sets the YMax component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetYMin Sets the YMin component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetZ Sets the Z component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetZMax Sets the ZMax component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.SetZMin Sets the ZMin component of the BoundsInt.
BoundsInt.ToString Returns a formatted string of BoundsInt.


Class Name Description
Camera.ScreenPointToRay Convert screen coordinates to rays.
Camera.ScreenToViewportPoint Convert screen coordinates to viewport coordinates.
Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint Convert screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Camera.ViewportPointToRay Convert viewport coordinates to rays.
Camera.ViewportToScreenPoint Convert viewport coordinates to screen coordinates.
Camera.ViewportToWorldPoint Convert viewport coordinates to world coordinates.
Camera.WorldToScreenPoint Convert world coordinates to screen coordinates.
Camera.WorldToViewportPoint Convert world coordinates to viewport coordinates.


Class Name Description
Collider.AttachedRigidbody Output Rigidbody attached to Collider.
Collider.Bounds The world space bounding volume of the collider.
Collider.ClosestPointOnBounds The closest point to the bounding box of the attached collider.


Class Name Description
Collider2D.AttachedRigidbody Output Rigidbody2D attached to Collider2D.
Collider2D.Bounds The world space bounding volume of the Collider2D.
Collider2D.OverlapPoint Check if a collider overlaps a point in space.


Class Name Description
Collision.Collider Output Collider hit from Collision.
Collision.GameObject Output GameObject hit from Collision.
Collision.RelativeVelocity Output the relative velocity of the two collided objects.
Collision.Rigidbody Output Rigidbody hit from Collision.
Collision.Transform Output Transform hit from Collision.


Class Name Description
Collision2D.Collider Output Collider2D hit from Collision2D.
Collision2D.GameObject Output GameObject hit from Collision2D.
Collision2D.RelativeVelocity Output the relative velocity of the two collided objects.
Collision2D.Rigidbody Output Rigidbody2D hit from Collision2D.
Collision2D.Transform Output Transform hit from Collision2D.


Class Name Description
Color.Add Add Color.
Color.Compose Compose Color.
Color.ComposeHSV Compose Color from HSV.
Color.Decompose Decompose Color.
Color.DecomposeHSV Decompose Color into HSV.
Color.Div Divide Color by float.
Color.Equals Returns true if two colors are approximately equal.
Color.Gamma Output the gamma of Color.
Color.GetA Output the A component of Color.
Color.GetB Output the B component of Color.
Color.GetG Output the G component of Color.
Color.GetIndexer Output the components of Color using an indexer.
Color.GetR Output the R component of Color.
Color.Grayscale Output the grayscale of Color.
Color.Lerp Linear interpolation is performed between the colors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Color.LerpUnclamped Linear interpolation is performed between the colors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Color.Linear Output the linear color of Color.
Color.MaxColorComponent Outputs the value of the maximum component of Color.
Color.Mul Multiply Color by float.
Color.NotEquals Returns true if two Color are not approximately equal.
Color.Scale Multiplies two Color component-wise.
Color.SetA Sets the A component of Color.
Color.SetB Sets the B component of Color.
Color.SetG Sets the G component of Color.
Color.SetIndexer Sets the components of Color using an indexer.
Color.SetR Sets the R component of Color.
Color.Sub Subtract Color.
Color.ToString Returns a formatted string of Color.
Color.ToVector4 Color is converted to Vector4.


Class Name Description
Component.GetGameObject Output Component's GameObject.
GameObject.GetComponent Output Component from GameObject.


Class Name Description
Enum.Equals Returns true if two Enums are equal.
Enum.NotEquals Returns true if the two Enums are not equal.
Enum.ToInt Convert Enum to int.
Enum.ToString Returns a formatted string of Enums.
Enum.TryParse Returns an Enum converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful.


Class Name Description
EnumFlags.Add Add enum flags(bitwise OR)
EnumFlags.Contains Returns whether the enum flag is contained
EnumFlags.Remove Remove the enum flag


Class Name Description
GetValue Get the values of fields and properties and output them to the data flow.


Class Name Description
Float.Add Add float.
Float.Compare Compare floats.
Float.Div Divide the float.
Float.Mod Computes the remainder of float. (Result = Value1 % Value2)
Float.Mul Multiply by float.
Float.Negative To invert the sign of the float.
Float.Parse Returns an Float converted from a string.
Float.Sub Subtract float.
Float.ToInt Convert float to int.
Float.ToLong Convert float to long.
Float.ToString Returns a formatted string of Float.
Float.TryParse Returns an Float converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful.


Class Name Description
FindGameObject Finds and returns a GameObject by name.
FindGameObjectsWithTag Finds and returns active GameObjects with the specified tag.
FindGameObjectWithTag Finds and returns one active GameObject with the specified tag.


Class Name Description
Input.GetAxis Get the value of the input axis (Input.GetAxis).
Input.GetAxisRaw Get the raw input axis value (Input.GetAxisRaw).
Input.GetMousePosition Get the mouse position


Class Name Description
Int.Add Add int.
Int.Compare Compare int.
Int.Div Divide the int.
Int.Mod Computes the remainder of int. (Result = Value1 % Value2)
Int.Mul Multiply by int.
Int.Negative To invert the sign of the int.
Int.Parse Returns an Int converted from a string.
Int.Sub Subtract int.
Int.ToEnum Convert int to enum.
Int.ToFloat Convert int to float.
Int.ToString Returns a formatted string of Int.
Int.TryParse Returns an Int converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful.


Class Name Description
List.Contains Determines if the List contains elements.
List.Count Count the number of elements in List.
List.GetElement Get List element.
List.IndexOf Gets the index where the List elements are stored.
List.LastIndexOf Search the index where the element is stored from the end.
List.ToArrayList Convert List to array or List.
NewArrayList Create a new array or List.


Class Name Description
Long.Add Add long.
Long.Compare Compare long.
Long.Div Divide the long.
Long.Mod Computes the remainder of long. (Result = Value1 % Value2)
Long.Mul Multiply by long.
Long.Negative To invert the sign of the long.
Long.Parse Returns an Long converted from a string.
Long.Sub Subtract long.
Long.ToFloat Convert long to float.
Long.ToString Returns a formatted string of Long.
Long.TryParse Returns an Long converted from a string. It also returns whether the conversion was successful.


Class Name Description
Mathf.AbsFloat The absolute value of the float.
Mathf.AbsInt The absolute value of the int.
Mathf.Acos Calculate acos.
Mathf.Asin Calculate asin.
Mathf.Atan Calculate atan.
Mathf.Atan2 Calculate atan2.
Mathf.Ceil Calculate the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value.
Mathf.CeilToInt Calculate the smallest integer greater than or equal to the value.
Mathf.Clamp01 Clamps value between 0 and 1
Mathf.ClampFloat Clamps a value between a Min and Max value.
Mathf.ClampInt Clamps a value between a Min and Max value.
Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo Outputs the closest power of two value.
Mathf.Cos Calculate cos.
Mathf.DegToRad Convert from degrees to radians.
Mathf.DeltaAngle Calculates the shortest difference between two given angles given in degrees.
Mathf.Exp Calculates e raised to the specified power.
Mathf.Floor Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to the value.
Mathf.FloorToInt Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to the value.
Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace Converts the given value from gamma (sRGB) to linear color space.
Mathf.InverseLerp Calculate a interpolation parameter that generates a value to be interpolated within the range from From to To.
Mathf.Lerp Linearly interpolate values within the range from From to To.
Mathf.LerpAngle Linearly interpolate the angle within the range from From to To.
Mathf.LinearToGammaSpace Converts the given value from linear to gamma (sRGB) color space.
Mathf.Log Calculate the logarithm (base e).
Mathf.Log10 Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Mathf.LogBase Calculate the logarithm.
Mathf.MaxFloat Calculate the maximum value from two float values.
Mathf.MaxInt Calculate the maximum value from two int values.
Mathf.MinFloat Calculate the minimum value from two float values.
Mathf.MinInt Calculate the minimum value from two int values.
Mathf.MoveTowards Calculate the amount of movement to move from Current to Target at the speed of MaxDelta.
Mathf.MoveTowardsAngle Calculate the amount of movement to move from Current to Target at the speed of MaxDelta.
Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo Calculates the next power of two value.
Mathf.PerlinNoise Generate 2D Perlin noise.
Mathf.PingPong The interpolation parameter T makes a round trip between 0 and Length.
Mathf.Pow Calculates Value raised to power Power.
Mathf.RadToDeg Convert from radians to degrees.
Mathf.Repeat Loop from 0 to Length by interpolation parameter T.
Mathf.Round Calculate the integer closest to Value.
Mathf.RoundToInt Calculate the integer closest to Value.
Mathf.Sign Calculate the sign of Value.
Mathf.Sin Calculate sin.
Mathf.SmoothStep Interpolate with limited smoothing between From and To.
Mathf.Sqrt Calculates the square root.
Mathf.Tan Calculate tan.


Class Name Description
NodeGraph.GetName Output the node graph name.
NodeGraph.GetRootGameObject Output the root graph GameObject.
NodeGraph.GetRootGraph Output the root graph.


Class Name Description
GetParameter Get a value from Parameter.


Class Name Description
Quaternion.Angle Calculate the angle between two Quaternions.
Quaternion.AngleAxis Create a Quaternion that rotates Angle degrees around Axis.
Quaternion.Compose Compose Quaternion.
Quaternion.Decompose Decompose Quaternion.
Quaternion.Dot Calculates the dot product of two Quaternion.
Quaternion.Equals Returns true if two quaternions are approximately equal.
Quaternion.Euler Calculate the Quaternion value from Euler angle.
Quaternion.EulerAngles Calculate the Euler angle value from Quaternion.
Quaternion.FromToRotation Creates a rotation which rotates from FromDirection to ToDirection.
Quaternion.GetIndexer Output the components of Quaternion using an indexer.
Quaternion.GetW Output the W component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.GetX Output the X component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.GetY Output the Y component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.GetZ Output the Z component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.Inverse Calculates the reverse Quaternion.
Quaternion.Lerp Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.LerpUnclamped Linearly interpolate Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.LookRotation Create a Quaternion to Forward.
Quaternion.Mul Multiply by Quaternion.
Quaternion.MulVector3 Multiply Vector3 by Quaternion.
Quaternion.Normalize Returns the normalized quaternion.
Quaternion.NotEquals Returns true if two quaternions are not approximately equal.
Quaternion.RotateTowards Calculates the Quaternion to To from From.
Quaternion.SetIndexer Sets the components of Quaternion using an indexer.
Quaternion.SetW Sets the W component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.SetX Sets the X component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.SetY Sets the Y component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.SetZ Sets the Z component of Quaternion.
Quaternion.Slerp Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped Spherical linear interpolation of Quaternion between From and To.
Quaternion.ToAngleAxis Convert Quaternion to rotation axis and angle.
Quaternion.ToString Returns a formatted string of Quaternion.


Class Name Description
Random.Bool Outputs a random bool value.
Random.InsideUnitCircle Output a random point inside the unit circle.
Random.InsideUnitSphere Output a random point inside the unit sphere.
Random.OnUnitSphere Output a random point on the unit sphere.
Random.RangeColor Output the color of random time in Gradient.
Random.RangeColorSimple Outputs a random color between two colors.
Random.RangeFloat Outputs a random float value between two values.
Random.RangeInt Outputs a random int value between two values.
Random.RangeQuaternion Outputs a random Quaternion value between two values.
Random.RangeVector2 Outputs a random Vector2 value between two values.
Random.RangeVector3 Outputs a random Vector3 value between two values.
Random.Rotation Outputs a random rotation.
Random.RotationUniform Outputs a random rotation with uniform distribution.
Random.SelectComponent Output component selected randomly from the list.
Random.SelectGameObject Output GameObject selected randomly from the list.
Random.SelectString Output string selected randomly from the list.
Random.Value Outputs a random float value.


Class Name Description
Ray.Compose Compose Ray.
Ray.Decomponse Decompose Ray.
Ray.GetDirection Get the direction of Ray.
Ray.GetOrigin Get the origin of Ray
Ray.GetPoint Get a point on Ray.
Ray.SetDirection Set the Ray direction.
Ray.SetOrigin Set the origin of Ray.
Ray.ToString Returns a formatted string of Ray.


Class Name Description
RaycastHit.BarycentricCoordinate The barycentric coordinate of the triangle we hit.
RaycastHit.Collider The Collider that was hit.
RaycastHit.Distance The distance from the ray's origin to the impact point.
RaycastHit.LightmapCoord The uv lightmap coordinate at the impact point.
RaycastHit.Normal The normal of the surface the ray hit.
RaycastHit.Point The impact point in world space where the ray hit the collider.
RaycastHit.Rigidbody The Rigidbody of the collider that was hit.
RaycastHit.TextureCoord The uv texture coordinate at the collision location.
RaycastHit.TextureCoord2 The secondary uv texture coordinate at the impact point.
RaycastHit.Transform The Transform of the rigidbody or collider that was hit.
RaycastHit.TriangleIndex The index of the triangle that was hit.


Class Name Description
RaycastHit2D.Centroid The centroid of the primitive used to perform the cast.
RaycastHit2D.Collider The Collider2D that was hit.
RaycastHit2D.Distance The distance from the ray's origin to the impact point.
RaycastHit2D.Fraction Fraction of the distance along the ray that the hit occurred.
RaycastHit2D.Normal The normal vector of the surface hit by the ray.
RaycastHit2D.Point The impact point in world space where the ray hit the collider.
RaycastHit2D.Rigidbody The Rigidbody2D of the Collider2D that was hit.
RaycastHit2D.Transform The Transform of the Rigidbody2D or Collider2D that was hit.


Class Name Description
Rect.Compose Compose Rect.
Rect.ComposeMinMax Create Rect from Min and Max.
Rect.ComposeMinMaxVec Create Rect from Min and Max.
Rect.ComposeVec Compose Rect.
Rect.Contains Whether the Point is inside the Rect.
Rect.Decompose Decompose Rect into position and size.
Rect.DecomposeMinMax Decompose Rect into Min and Max.
Rect.DecomposeMinMaxVec Decompose Rect into Min and Max.
Rect.DecomposeVec Decompose Rect into position and size.
Rect.Equals Returns true if the rectangles are the same.
Rect.GetCenter Returns the position of the center of the rectangle.
Rect.GetHeight Returns the height of the rectangle.
Rect.GetMax Returns the position of the maximum corner of the rect.
Rect.GetMin Returns the position of the minimum corner of the rect.
Rect.GetPosition Returns the position of the rect.
Rect.GetSize Returns the size of the rect.
Rect.GetWidth Returns the width of the rectangle.
Rect.GetX Returns the X component of the rectangle.
Rect.GetXMax Returns the XMax component of the rectangle.
Rect.GetXMin Returns the XMin component of the rectangle.
Rect.GetY Returns the Y component of the rectangle.
Rect.GetYMax Returns the YMax component of the rectangle.
Rect.GetYMin Returns the YMin component of the rectangle.
Rect.NormalizedToPoint Calculates a point inside a rectangle, given normalized coordinates.
Rect.NotEquals Returns true if the rectangles are not the same.
Rect.Overlaps Whether rectangles overlap each other or not.
Rect.PointToNormalized Calculates the normalized coordinates cooresponding the the point.
Rect.SetCenter Sets the position of the center of the rectangle.
Rect.SetHeight Sets the height of the rectangle.
Rect.SetMax Sets the position of the maximum corner of the rect.
Rect.SetMin Sets the position of the minimum corner of the rect.
Rect.SetPosition Sets the position of the rect.
Rect.SetSize Sets the size of the rect.
Rect.SetWidth Sets the width of the rectangle.
Rect.SetX Sets the X component of the rectangle.
Rect.SetXMax Sets the XMax component of the rectangle.
Rect.SetXMin Sets the XMin component of the rectangle.
Rect.SetY Sets the Y component of the rectangle.
Rect.SetYMax Sets the YMax component of the rectangle.
Rect.SetYMin Sets the YMin component of the rectangle.
Rect.ToString Returns a formatted string of Rect.


Class Name Description
RectInt.ClampToBounds Clamps the position and size of the RectInt to the given bounds.
RectInt.Compose Compose RectInt.
RectInt.ComposeMinMax Create RectInt from Min and Max.
RectInt.ComposeMinMaxVec Create RectInt from Min and Max vector.
RectInt.ComposeVec Compose RectInt.
RectInt.Contains Whether the Point is inside the RectInt.
RectInt.Decompose Decompose RectInt into position and size.
RectInt.DecomposeMinMax Decompose RectInt into Min and Max.
RectInt.DecomposeMinMaxVec Decompose RectInt into Min and Max.
RectInt.DecomposeVec Decompose RectInt into position and size.
RectInt.Equals Returns true if the rectangles are the same.
RectInt.GetCenter The position of the center of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetHeight Returns the height of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetMax Returns the position of the maximum corner of the rect.
RectInt.GetMin Returns the position of the minimum corner of the rect.
RectInt.GetPosition Returns the position of the rect.
RectInt.GetSize Returns the size of the rect.
RectInt.GetWidth Returns the width of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetX Returns the X component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetXMax Returns the XMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetXMin Returns the XMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetY Returns the Y component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetYMax Returns the YMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.GetYMin Returns the YMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.NotEquals Returns true if the rectangles are not the same.
RectInt.Overlaps Whether rectangles overlap each other or not.
RectInt.SetHeight Sets the height of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetMax Sets the position of the maximum corner of the rect.
RectInt.SetMin Sets the position of the minimum corner of the rect.
RectInt.SetPosition Sets the position of the rect.
RectInt.SetSize Sets the size of the rect.
RectInt.SetWidth Sets the width of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetX Sets the X component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetXMax Sets the XMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetXMin Sets the XMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetY Sets the Y component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetYMax Sets the YMax component of the rectangle.
RectInt.SetYMin Sets the YMin component of the rectangle.
RectInt.ToString Returns a formatted string of RectInt.


Class Name Description
RectTransform.AnchoredPosition The position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point.
RectTransform.AnchoredPosition3D The 3D position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point.
RectTransform.AnchorMax The normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the upper right corner is anchored to.
RectTransform.AnchorMin The normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the lower left corner is anchored to.
RectTransform.Get Gets the RectTransform attached to GameObject.
RectTransform.OffsetMax The offset of the upper right corner of the rectangle relative to the upper right anchor.
RectTransform.OffsetMin The offset of the lower left corner of the rectangle relative to the lower left anchor.
RectTransform.Pivot The normalized position in this RectTransform that it rotates around.
RectTransform.Rect The calculated rectangle in the local space of the Transform.
RectTransform.SizeDelta The size of this RectTransform relative to the distances between the anchors.


Class Name Description
GetRendererColor Get the color of the Renderer
GetRendererFloat Get the Renderer float value
GetRendererMaterial Get Renderer material
GetRendererTexture Get the Renderer texture
GetRendererTextureOffset Get the Renderer texture offset
GetRendererTextureScale Get the Renderer texture scale
GetRendererVector Get the Renderer vector
GetSprite Get the Sprite of SpriteRenderer.


Class Name Description
Rigidbody.AngularDrag The angular drag of the object.
Rigidbody.AngularVelocity The angular velocity of the rigidbody measured in radians per second.
Rigidbody.CenterOfMass The center of mass relative to the transform's origin.
Rigidbody.ClosestPointOnBounds The closest point to the bounding box of the attached colliders.
Rigidbody.Drag The drag of the object.
Rigidbody.Get Gets the Rigidbody attached to GameObject.
Rigidbody.GetPointVelocity The velocity of the rigidbody at the point worldPoint in global space.
Rigidbody.GetRelativePointVelocity The velocity relative to the rigidbody at the point relativePoint.
Rigidbody.InertiaTensor The diagonal inertia tensor of mass relative to the center of mass.
Rigidbody.InertiaTensorRotation The rotation of the inertia tensor.
Rigidbody.Mass The mass of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody.MaxAngularVelocity The maximimum angular velocity of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody.Position The position of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody.Rotation The rotation of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody.SolverIterationCount The iteration count of the solver.
Rigidbody.Velocity The velocity of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody.WorldCenterOfMass The center of mass of the rigidbody in world space.


Class Name Description
Rigidbody2D.AngularDrag The angular drag of the object.
Rigidbody2D.AngularVelocity The angular velocity of the Rigidbody2D measured in radians per second.
Rigidbody2D.CenterOfMass The center of mass relative to the transform's origin.
Rigidbody2D.Drag The drag of the object.
Rigidbody2D.Get Gets the Rigidbody2D attached to GameObject.
Rigidbody2D.GetPoint Get a local space point given the point Point in rigidBody global space.
Rigidbody2D.GetPointVelocity The velocity of the Rigidbody2D at the point Point in global space.
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativePoint Get a global space point given the point relativePoint in rigidBody local space.
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativePointVelocity Get a global space point given the point RelativePoint in rigidBody local space.
Rigidbody2D.GetRelativeVector Get a global space vector given the vector RelativeVector in rigidBody local space.
Rigidbody2D.GetVector Get a local space vector given the vector Vector in rigidBody global space.
Rigidbody2D.GravityScale The degree to which this object is affected by gravity.
Rigidbody2D.Inertia The rigidBody rotational inertia.
Rigidbody2D.Mass Mass of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody2D.Position The position of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody2D.Rotation The rotation of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody2D.Velocity Linear velocity of the rigidbody.
Rigidbody2D.WorldCenterOfMass Gets the center of mass of the rigidBody in global space.


Class Name Description
GetActiveSceneName Get active scenbe name.


Class Name Description
String.Compare Compare String.
String.Concat Concatenate strings.
String.Contains Returns whether the string contains.
String.EndsWith Returns whether the end of the string matches.
String.IndexOf Returns the index where the string was first found.
String.Insert Insert a string.
String.IsNullOrEmpty Returns whether the string is null or empty.
String.Join Concatenate strings. using the specified separator between each element.
String.LastIndexOf Returns the index where the string was last found.
String.Length Returns the length of the string.
String.Remove Remove a part from the string.
String.Replace Replaces the specified string with another string.
String.StartsWith Returns whether the beginning of the string matches.
String.Substring Extract a part from the string.
String.ToLower Converts the string to lowercase and returns it.
String.ToUpper Converts the string to uppercase and returns it.
ToString Convert the value to a string.


Class Name Description
Transform.EulerAngles The rotation as Euler angles in degrees.
Transform.Forward The blue axis of the transform in world space.
Transform.Get Gets the Transform attached to GameObject.
Transform.InverseTransformDirection Transforms a direction from world space to local space.
Transform.InverseTransformPoint Transforms Point from world space to local space.
Transform.InverseTransformVector Transforms a Vector from world space to local space.
Transform.LocalEulerAngles The rotation as Euler angles in degrees relative to the parent transform's rotation.
Transform.LocalPosition Position of the transform relative to the parent transform.
Transform.LocalRotation The rotation of the transform relative to the parent transform's rotation.
Transform.LocalScale The scale of the transform relative to the parent.
Transform.LossyScale The global scale of the object
Transform.Parent The parent of the transform.
Transform.Position The position of the transform in world space.
Transform.Right The red axis of the transform in world space.
Transform.Root Gets the topmost transform in the hierarchy.
Transform.Rotation The rotation of the transform in world space stored as a Quaternion.
Transform.TransformDirection Transforms Direction from local space to world space.
Transform.TransformPoint Transforms Point from local space to world space.
Transform.TransformVector Transforms Vector from local space to world space.
Transform.Up The green axis of the transform in world space.


Class Name Description
Vector2.Add Add Vector2.
Vector2.Angle Calculates the angle in degrees between from and to.
Vector2.ClampMagnitude Calculates a vector with its magnitude clamped to MaxLength.
Vector2.Compose Compose Vector2.
Vector2.Decompose Decompose Vector2.
Vector2.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector2.Div Divide Vector2 by float.
Vector2.Dot Dot Product of two vectors.
Vector2.Equals Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal.
Vector2.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector2 using an indexer.
Vector2.GetX Output the X component of Vector2.
Vector2.GetY Output the Y component of Vector2.
Vector2.Lerp Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector2.LerpUnclamped Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector2.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector2.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector2.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector2.MoveTowards Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target.
Vector2.Mul Multiply Vector2 by float.
Vector2.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector2.
Vector2.Normalize Vector2 normalized vector
Vector2.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal.
Vector2.Perpendicular Returns Vector2 perpendicular to the specified Vector2
The result is always rotated 90-degrees in a counter-clockwise direction for a 2D coordinate system where the positive Y axis goes up.
Vector2.Reflect Reflects a vector off the vector defined by a normal.
Vector2.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector2.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector2 using an indexer.
Vector2.SetX Sets the X component of Vector2.
Vector2.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector2.
Vector2.SignedAngle Calculates the signed angle in degrees between from and to.
Vector2.SmoothDamp Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time.
Vector2.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector2.Sub Subtract Vector2.
Vector2.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector2.
Vector2.ToVector3 Vector2 is converted to Vector3.
Vector2.ToVector4 Vector2 is converted to Vector4.


Class Name Description
Vector2Int.Add Add Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.CeilToInt Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Ceiling to each value.
Vector2Int.Clamp Clamps the Vector2Int to the bounds given by min and max.
Vector2Int.Compose Compose Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.Decompose Decompose Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector2Int.Div Divide Vector2Int by int.
Vector2Int.Equals Returns true if two vectors are equal.
Vector2Int.FloorToInt Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Floor to each value.
Vector2Int.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector2Int using an indexer.
Vector2Int.GetX Output the X component of Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.GetY Output the Y component of Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector2Int.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector2Int.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector2Int.Mul Multiply Vector2Int 2 by int.
Vector2Int.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not equal.
Vector2Int.RoundToInt Converts a Vector2 to a Vector2Int by doing a Round to each value.
Vector2Int.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector2Int.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector2Int using an indexer.
Vector2Int.SetX Sets the X component of Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector2Int.Sub Subtract Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector2Int.
Vector2Int.ToVector2 Vector2Int is converted to Vector2.
Vector2Int.ToVector3Int Vector2Int is converted to Vector3Int.


Class Name Description
Vector3.Add Add Vector3.
Vector3.Angle Calculates the angle in degrees between from and to.
Vector3.ClampMagnitude Calculates a vector with its magnitude clamped to MaxLength.
Vector3.Compose Compose Vector3.
Vector3.Cross Cross Product of two vectors.
Vector3.Decompose Decompose Vector3.
Vector3.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector3.Div Divide Vector3 by float.
Vector3.Dot Dot Product of two vectors.
Vector3.Equals Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal.
Vector3.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector3 using an indexer.
Vector3.GetX Output the X component of Vector3.
Vector3.GetY Output the Y component of Vector3.
Vector3.GetZ Output the Z component of Vector3.
Vector3.Lerp Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector3.LerpUnclamped Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector3.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector3.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector3.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector3.MoveTowards Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target.
Vector3.Mul Multiply Vector3 by float.
Vector3.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector3.
Vector3.Normalize Vector3 normalized vector
Vector3.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal.
Vector3.OrthoNormalize Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors.
Vector3.OrthoNormalize2 Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors.
Vector3.Project Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors.
Vector3.ProjectOnPlane Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
Vector3.Reflect Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal.
Vector3.RotateTowards Rotates a vector Current towards Target.
Vector3.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector3.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector3 using an indexer.
Vector3.SetX Sets the X component of Vector3.
Vector3.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector3.
Vector3.SetZ Sets the Z component of Vector3.
Vector3.SignedAngle Calculates the signed angle in degrees between from and to.
Vector3.Slerp Spherical linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector3.SlerpUnclamped Spherical linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector3.SmoothDamp Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time.
Vector3.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector3.Sub Subtract Vector3.
Vector3.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector3.
Vector3.ToVector2 Vector3 is converted to Vector2.
Vector3.ToVector4 Vector3 is converted to Vector4.


Class Name Description
Vector3Int.Add Add Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.CeilToInt Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Ceiling to each value.
Vector3Int.Clamp Clamps the Vector3Int to the bounds given by min and max.
Vector3Int.Compose Compose Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.Decompose Decompose Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector3Int.Div Divide Vector3Int by int.
Vector3Int.Equals Returns true if two vectors are equal.
Vector3Int.FloorToInt Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Floor to each value.
Vector3Int.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector3Int using an indexer.
Vector3Int.GetX Output the X component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.GetY Output the Y component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.GetZ Output the Z component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector3Int.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector3Int.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector3Int.Mul Multiply Vector3Int 2 by int.
Vector3Int.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not equal.
Vector3Int.RoundToInt Converts a Vector3 to a Vector3Int by doing a Round to each value.
Vector3Int.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector3Int.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector3Int using an indexer.
Vector3Int.SetX Sets the X component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.SetZ Sets the Z component of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector3Int.Sub Subtract Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector3Int.
Vector3Int.ToVector2Int Vector3Int is converted to Vector2Int.
Vector3Int.ToVector3 Vector3Int is converted to Vector3.


Class Name Description
Vector4.Add Add Vector4.
Vector4.Compose Compose Vector4.
Vector4.Decompose Decompose Vector4.
Vector4.Distance Calculates the distance between A and B.
Vector4.Div Divide Vector4 by float.
Vector4.Dot Dot Product of two vectors.
Vector4.Equals Returns true if two vectors are approximately equal.
Vector4.GetIndexer Output the components of Vector4 using an indexer.
Vector4.GetW Output the W component of Vector4.
Vector4.GetX Output the X component of Vector4.
Vector4.GetY Output the Y component of Vector4.
Vector4.GetZ Output the Z component of Vector4.
Vector4.Lerp Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector4.LerpUnclamped Linear interpolation is performed between the vectors of From and To with the interpolation parameter T.
Vector4.Magnitude The length of vector.
Vector4.Max Create a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.
Vector4.Min Create a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.
Vector4.MoveTowards Calculating a vector that moves from the current position Current to Target.
Vector4.Mul Multiply Vector4 by float.
Vector4.Negative To invert the sign of the Vector4.
Vector4.Normalize Vector4 normalized vector
Vector4.NotEquals Returns true if two vectors are not approximately equal.
Vector4.Project Calculate so that the vector is normalized and orthogonal to other vectors.
Vector4.Scale Multiplies two vectors component-wise.
Vector4.SetIndexer Sets the components of Vector4 using an indexer.
Vector4.SetW Sets the W component of Vector4.
Vector4.SetX Sets the X component of Vector4.
Vector4.SetY Sets the Y component of Vector4.
Vector4.SetZ Sets the Z component of Vector4.
Vector4.SqrMagnitude Calculate the length of the square of the vector.
Vector4.Sub Subtract Vector4.
Vector4.ToColor Vector4 is converted to Color.
Vector4.ToString Returns a formatted string of Vector4.
Vector4.ToVector2 Vector4 is converted to Vector2.
Vector4.ToVector3 Vector4 is converted to Vector3.