Class in Arbor / Inherits from: InputSlotComponent<UnityEngine.Collider2D>
Collider2D type of input slot
Field Name | Description |
branchID | Branch ID |
nodeGraph | NodeGraph slot belongs |
overrideConstraint | override ClassConstraintInfo |
position | Position on ArborEditor of slot(Editor Only) |
Property Name | Description |
branch | Get branch |
connectableType | Connectable type |
connectableTypeName | Connectable type name |
dataType | The type of data stored in the slot |
enabledGUI | Whether the GUI for the slot is valid. |
isUsed | Gets whether or not a value is used. |
isValidField | For Editor |
isVisible | For Editor. |
slotField | DataSlotField |
slotType | Slot type |
updatedTime | Time that does not depend on timeScale when value is updated. |
Event Name | Description |
onConnectionChanged | Callback event when connection is changed |
Method Name | Description |
Calculate | Perform the calculation. |
ClearBranch | Clear the connection status. Since the DataBranch remains, call it when the connection status is no longer needed by copy and paste. |
ClearVisible | For Editor. |
DirtyBranchCache | Mark the Data Branch cache to change |
Disconnect | Disconnect the connection. |
GetBranch | Get DataBranch. |
GetConstraint | Return information on type constraints. |
GetInputBranch | Get DataBranch. |
GetValue | Get the value |
GetValue | Get the value |
GetValueObject | Get the value object. |
IsConnectable | It is judged whether connection is possible. |
IsConnected | It judges whether it is connected with DataBranch. |
IsConnectedInput | It judges whether it is connected with DataBranch. |
RemoveBranch | Remove DataBranch. |
RemoveInputBranch | Remove DataBranch. |
ResetBranch | Reset DataBranch |
SetBranch | Set DataBranch. |
SetInputBranch | Set DataBranch. |
SetVisible | For Editor. |
Method Name | Description |
IsConnectable | Determine if DataSlots can connect to each other. |
Operator Name | Description |
InputSlotComponent | CastInputSlotComponent<T>toInputSlotComponent. |