Class in Arbor / Inherits from: NodeGraph
Internal class ofArborFSM. To actually attach to GameObject is to use theArborFSM.
Property Name | Description |
currentState | GetsStateof the current. |
fsmName | The FSM name. It is used for identification and retrieval when there is more than one FSM in one GameObject. |
nextState | Gets the transition reservedState. |
nextTransitionState | Next state |
prevTransitionState | Prev state |
reservedState | Gets the transition reservedState. |
reservedStateLink | Gets the transition reservedStateLink. |
startStateID | Gets the start state identifier. |
stateCount | Get a count of State. |
stateLinkRerouteNodes | StateLinkRerouteNode List |
states | Gets all ofState. |
Method Name | Description |
CreateState | Create state. |
CreateStateLinkRerouteNode | Create StateLinkRerouteNode. |
DeleteState | Delete state. |
FindState | Search state by name. |
FindStateContainsBehaviour | Acquisition of states StateBehaviour belongs. |
FindStates | Search state by name. |
GetState | GetsStatefrom the StateLink. |
GetStateFromID | GetsStatefrom the state identifier. |
GetStateFromIndex | Get State from index. |
GetStateIndex | Get State index. |
IndexOfStateLinkHistory | Retrieve the index in the history that transited by the specified StateLink. |
OnDeleteNode | Delete node. |
OnFixedUpdate | Called when FixedUpdate. |
OnLateUpdate | Called when LateUpdate. |
OnPause | Called when you pause. |
OnPlay | Called when you start playing. |
OnPlayOnStart | Called when playing is started with the Start method. |
OnRegisterNodes | Register nodes |
OnReset | Reset or create callback. |
OnResume | Called when resuming |
OnResumeOnEnable | Called when resumed with the OnEnable method. |
OnStop | Called when play is stopped. |
OnUpdate | Called when updating. |
SendTrigger | Sending of trigger |
Transition | State transition |
Static Fields
Field Name | Description |
allSendTrigger | All flags in SendTriggerFlags are valid |
Inherited Members
Field Name | Description |
debugInfiniteLoopSettings | Debug setting of infinite loop |
graphName | The Graph name. It is used for identification and retrieval when there is more than one Graph in one GameObject. |
playOnStart | Flag to be played at the start. |
updateSettings | Settings related to updating. |
Property Name | Description |
calculatorBranchCount | Get a count of DataBranch. |
calculatorBranchies | Gets all ofDataBranch. |
calculatorBranchRerouteNodes | DataBranchRerouteNode list |
calculatorCount | Get a count of CalculatorNode. |
calculators | Gets all ofCalculatorNode. |
commentCount | Get a count of CommentNode. |
comments | Gets all ofCommentNode. |
currentDebugInfiniteLoopSettings | Current infinite loop debug setting. |
dataBranchCount | Get a count of DataBranch. |
dataBranchRerouteNodes | DataBranchRerouteNode list |
displayGraphName | Display name of the node graph. If graphName is empty or null, it returns “(No Name)". |
groupCount | Get a count of GroupNode. |
nodeCount | Get a count of Node. |
ownerBehaviour | NodeBehaviour is the owner of this graph |
ownerBehaviourObject | Object of NodeBehaviour own this graph |
parameterContainer | The ParameterContainer assigned in this graph |
parentGraph | Parent graph |
rootGraph | Root graph |
Event Name | Description |
destroyCallback | Call back when being destroyed |
onAfterDeserialize | Callback after deserialization |
onChangedGraphTree | Callback called when the graph tree changes |
stateChangedCallback | Call back when the state changes |
Method Name | Description |
CheckLoopCalculatorBranch | Check if DataBranch is looping. |
CheckLoopDataBranch | Check if DataBranch is looping. |
ConnectCalculatorBranch | Connect DataSlot. |
ConnectDataBranch | Connect DataSlot. |
CreateCalculator | Create calculator. |
CreateCalculatorBranchRerouteNode | Create DataBranchRerouteNode. |
CreateComment | Create comment. |
CreateDataBranchRerouteNode | Create DataBranchRerouteNode. |
CreateGroup | Create group. |
DeleteCalculator | Delete calculator. |
DeleteCalculatorBranch | Delete DataBranch. |
DeleteCalculatorBranchRerouteNode | Delete DataBranchRerouteNode. |
DeleteComment | Delete comment. |
DeleteDataBranch | Delete DataBranch. |
DeleteDataBranchRerouteNode | Delete DataBranchRerouteNode. |
DeleteGroup | Delete group. |
DeleteNode | Delete node. |
DestroySubComponents | Method to be used internally. In particular there is no need to call. |
DisconnectDataBranch | Method to be used internally. In particular there is no need to call. |
ExecuteLateUpdate | Perform an LateUpdate. Please call this method at any timing when UpdateSettings.type is Manual. |
ExecuteUpdate | Perform an update. Please call this method at any timing when UpdateSettings.type is Manual. |
FindCalculator | Acquisition of CalculatorNodes Calculator belongs. |
FindNodeContainsBehaviour | Acquisition of nodes NodeBehaviour belongs. |
GetCalculatorBranchFromID | GetsDataBranchfrom the calculator branch identifier. |
GetCalculatorBranchFromIndex | Get DataBranch from index. |
GetCalculatorBranchIndex | Get DataBranch index. |
GetCalculatorFromID | GetsCalculatorNodefrom the calculator identifier. |
GetCalculatorFromIndex | Get CalculatorNode from index. |
GetCalculatorIndex | Get CalculatorNode index. |
GetCommentFromID | GetsCommentNodefrom the comment identifier. |
GetCommentFromIndex | Get CommentNode from index. |
GetCommentIndex | Get CommentNode index. |
GetDataBranchFromID | GetsDataBranchfrom the calculator branch identifier. |
GetDataBranchFromIndex | Get DataBranch from index. |
GetDataBranchIndex | Get DataBranch index. |
GetGroupFromID | GetsGroupNodefrom the group identifier. |
GetGroupFromIndex | Get GroupNode from index. |
GetNodeFromID | GetsNodefrom the node identifier. |
GetNodeFromIndex | Get Node from index. |
GetUniqueNodeID | Get a unique node ID. |
IsUniqueNodeID | Check if it is a unique node ID. |
OnDestroy | This function is called when MonoBehaivour will be destroyed. |
OnPoolResume | Called when resuming. |
OnPoolSleep | Called when stored in the pool. |
OnValidate | See MonoBehaviour.OnValidate. |
OnValidateNodes | Called when the node is changed. |
Pause | Pause playback. |
Play | Start playing. |
RefreshDataBranchies | Update the connection status of Data Branch. |
RegisterNode | Register the node in the list |
RemoveNode | Remove the node from the list. |
Resume | Resume playing. |
SetExternal | Set this graph as an external graph. |
StateChanged | Notifies that the status of the graph has been updated. |
Stop | Stopping playback. |
ToString | Convert graph to string (for debugging). |
Static Methods
Method Name | Description |
Create | Create NodeGraph |
Destroy | Destroy NodeGraph |
FindGraph | Get the NodeGraph that in the scene with the name. |
FindGraphs | Get the NodeGraph of the same name that is in the scene. |
Instantiate | Instantiate NodeGraph |