Class in Arbor / Inherits from: NodeBehaviour
Class that defines the behavior of the State. Inherited and to use.
Available Attributes :
Field Name | Description |
recalculateMode | Recalculate mode |
Property Name | Description |
calculatorID | Gets the Calculator identifier. |
calculatorNode | Get the CalculatorNode. |
isDirty | Whether it has been changed. |
Method Name | Description |
Awake | This function is called when the script instance is being loaded. |
Calculate | It is calculated, if necessary. |
OnCalculate | It called when it is calculated . |
OnCheckDirty | It is called when judging whether it has been changed. |
OnCreated | Raises the created event. |
OnDestroy | This function is called when MonoBehaivour will be destroyed. |
OnValidate | This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (Called in the editor only). |
SetDirty | Call if you want call OnCalculate. |
Property Name | Description |
calculatorSlotFieldCount | Number of DataSlotField |
dataSlotCount | Number of DataSlot |
dataSlotFieldCount | Number of DataSlotField |
node | Get the Node. |
nodeGraph | Gets the NodeGraph. |
nodeID | Gets the node identifier. |
Event Name | Description |
onValidate | Callback called during OnValidate |
Method Name | Description |
ContainsSlot | Determine if the Data Slot is included. |
GetCalculatorSlotField | Get DataSlotField. |
GetDataSlot | Get DataSlot. |
GetDataSlotField | Get DataSlotField. |
Initialize | For Editor. |
OnGraphPause | This function is called when the graph is paused. |
OnGraphResume | This function is called when the graph resumes. |
OnGraphStop | This function is called when the graph stops. |
OnInitializeEnabled | Called to perform enabled initialization. |
OnPreDestroy | Raises the pre destroy event. |
OnRebuildFields | It is called when reconstructing data about fields. |
RebuildCalculatorSlotFields | Rebuild the DataSlotField. |
RebuildDataSlotFieldIfNecessary | Check if DataSlot exists and rebuild if necessary. |
RebuildDataSlotFields | Rebuild the DataSlotField. |
RebuildFields | For internal. |
UpdateDataLink | Manually update DataLink values. Update the value of DataLink field ofDataLinkUpdateTiming.Manual. |
Method Name | Description |
CreateNodeBehaviour | For Editor. |
Destroy | Destroy NodeBehaviour. |