

Type Name Description
ListMediator A class that mediates access between the IList instance and IValueSetter and IValueGetter.
ValueContainer<T> A class that stores values, which can be accessed without boxing by using ValueMediator or ListMediator as intermediaries.
ValueMediator A class that mediates the exchange of values. It is used to avoid boxing as much as possible where the type is determined at runtime.


Type Name Description
IValueContainer Interface that defines that the value is stored.
IValueContainer<T> Interface that defines that the value is stored.(Generic version)
IValueGetter Interface to indicate that the value can get
IValueGetter<T> Interface to indicate that the value can get
IValueSetter<T> Interface to indicate that the value can set


Type Name Description
ValueMediatorInitializeOnLoadMethod Attribute that specifies the callback method to be called when ValueMeditor is initialized.