
Class in Arbor / Inherits from: object


Type utility class

Static Methods

Method Name Description
ContainsGenericParameters Returns whether or not it contains a generic type parameter.
FindType Find the type from the type name that does not include the Assembly name.
GetAssemblies Get the assembly loaded in the application.
GetAssembly Gets the Assembly in which the type is declared.
GetAssemblyType Get System.Type from string.
GetBaseType Return base type
GetFields Get type fields.
GetGenericArguments Return an array of generic type arguments.
GetMemberInfo Get MemberInfo
GetReferencedAssemblies Get Referenced Assemblies.
GetRuntimeAssembies Get the runtime assemblies that references the Arbor.
GetRuntimeTypes Get the type that can be referenced at runtime.
GetSlotTypeName Return type name (for data slot)
GetTypeName Returns the name of the type.
GetTypeRenamedFrom Get the type from the type name before renaming.
GetTypesFromAssembly Returns the type defined in Assembly.
IsAbstract Returns whether or not it is an abstract type.
IsAssignableFrom It is judged whether or not it is an assignable type.
IsClass Returns whether or not it is a class type.
IsDynamic Determine if the Assembly was dynamically generated.
IsEnum Returns whether or not it is an enumeration.
IsGeneric Returns whether it is a generic type constructed from the specified generic type definition.
IsGenericType Returns whether type is a generic type.
IsGenericTypeDefinition Returns whether it is a generic type definition.
IsInterface Returns whether or not it is a interface type.
IsPrimitive Returns whether or not it is a primitive type.
IsReferenceable Determine if the Assembly is referenced.
IsReferenceableType Determine if the Assembly can reference the Type.
IsRuntimeAssembly Determine if it is a runtime assembly.
IsSealed Gets whether the class is declared sealed.
IsSerializable Returns whether it is serializable.
IsStatic Get whether it is a static class.
IsSubclassOf Determine whether it is a derived type or not.
IsValueType Returns whether or not it is a value type.
TidyAssemblyTypeName Convert Type to a serializable string.
TryGetAliasName Get the alias name.