
Class in Arbor / Inherits from: FlexibleComponent<UnityEngine.Rigidbody2D>


Class to handle a flexible Rigidbody2D type reference method there is more than one.


FlexibleRigidbody2D FlexibleRigidbody2D default constructor


Operator Name Description
FlexibleRigidbody2D Cast Rigidbody2D to FlexibleRigidbody2D.
Rigidbody2D Cast FlexibleRigidbody2D to Rigidbody2D.

Inherited Members


Field Name Description
_HierarchyType Reference type of Hierarchy specified when Type is FlexibleSceneObjectType.Hierarchy.
_Parameter Parameter reference
_Slot Data input slot
_Type Specified type of value
_Value Constant value


Property Name Description
fieldInfo Return the FieldInfo that owns this instance
hierarchyType In the case of FlexibleSceneObjectType.Hierarchy, return FlexibleHierarchyType representing which object to reference
ownerObject Return the object that owns this instance
parameter It return a Paramter. It is null if Type is other than Parameter.
targetGameObject Returns the GameObject to be referenced in case of FlexibleSceneObjectType.Hierarchy.
targetGraph Returns the NodeGraph to be referenced in case of FlexibleSceneObjectType.Hierarchy.
type It returns a type
value It returns a value


Method Name Description
GetConstantObject Returns an Object of FlexibleSceneObjectType.Constant.
GetValueObject Return the value as object.
SetHierarchyIfConstantNull Change to FlexibleSceneObjectType.Hierarchy if FlexibleSceneObjectType.Constant and the referencing object is null.
ToFlexibleComponent Convert to FlexibleComponent and return it.