
Hide(float, Vector3, float, ObstacleTargetFlags, ObstacleSearchFlags, int)

public bool Hide(float speed, Vector3 targetPosition, float minDistanceToTarget, ObstacleTargetFlags obstacleTargetFlags, ObstacleSearchFlags obstacleSearchFlags, int obstacleLayer) ;


Move to hide from Target.


Parameter Name Description
speed Speed to move
targetPosition Target position
minDistanceToTarget Minimum distance to the target. Obstacles closer than this distance are excluded from potential hiding places.
obstacleTargetFlags Set which obstacle type to hide
obstacleSearchFlags Set the obstacle search method
obstacleLayer Obstacle layer


Returns true if the destination setting is successful. Otherwise false.

Hide(float, Transform, float, ObstacleTargetFlags, ObstacleSearchFlags, int)

public bool Hide(float speed, Transform target, float minDistanceToTarget, ObstacleTargetFlags obstacleTargetFlags, ObstacleSearchFlags obstacleSearchFlags, int obstacleLayer) ;


Move to hide from Target.


Parameter Name Description
speed Speed to move
target Target Transform
minDistanceToTarget Minimum distance to the target. Obstacles closer than this distance are excluded from potential hiding places.
obstacleTargetFlags Set which obstacle type to hide
obstacleSearchFlags Set the obstacle search method
obstacleLayer Obstacle layer


Returns true if the destination setting is successful. Otherwise false.