
Class in Arbor / Inherits from: MovingEntity


AI for the movement component that wraps theNavMeshAgent.
Used mainly through built-in Behavior's Agent.


Property Name Description
agent NavMeshAgentyou want to control.
agentTransform Agent Transform
animator Animator you want to control.
isDivAgentSpeed Whether or not to divide by the speed set for Agent.
isDone Whether the move is complete or not.
isMoving Whether it is moving
movementDivValue The value to divide for velocity. (Used only when _MovementType is MovementType.DivValue)
movementType Type of movement vector.
movementXDampTime Dump time of X value of moving direction vector.
movementXParameter Specify the float parameter for setting the X value of the moving vector in the Agent's local space to Animator.
movementYDampTime Dump time of Y value of moving direction vector.
movementYParameter Specify the float parameter for setting the Y value of the moving direction vector in the Agent's local space to Animator.
movementZDampTime Dump time of Z value of moving direction vector.
movementZParameter Specify the float parameter for setting the Z value of the moving direction vector in the Agent's local space to Animator.
movingParameter Specify the bool parameter for setting to the Animator whether or not the Agent is moving.
movingSpeedThreshold Threshold for the speed at which it is determined to be moving
samplePositionDistance Distance to perform SamplePosition
samplePositionEnabled Flag to find a position on the NavMesh that is within the Sample Position Distance to the destination.
selfTransform Own Transform
speedDampTime Dump time of moving speed.
speedParameter Specify the float parameter to set the moving speed to Animator.
speedType The type of value to pass to the animator's Speed parameter.
turnDampTime Dump time in the turn direction.
turnParameter Specify the float parameter for setting the turn direction to Animator.
turnType Type of Turn.
velocity Movement velocity


Method Name Description
Escape Keep away from specified position
Evade Move to escape in consideration of the movement velocity of Target.
Follow It approaches the specified position
Hide Move to hide from Target.
Interpose Move the Agent closer to between the two Targets.
LookAt Rotate in the direction of the specified position.
MoveTo It approaches the specified position
MoveToRandomPosition Move towards a random position within a specified radius
Patrol Wander within specified radius
Pursuit Move to track in consideration of the movement velocity of the target.
Resume Resume movement.
Stop Stop.
Wander Wander the Agent
Warp Warps agent to the provided position.


Type Name Description
MovementType Type of movement vector
SpeedType The type of value to pass to the animator's Speed parameter.
TurnType Type of Turn

Inherited Members


Property Name Description
forward Forward vector
position position