
AI for the movement component that wraps the NavMeshAgent.
Used mainly through built-in Behavior’s Agent.



Agent NavMeshAgent you want to control.
Moving Parameter Specify the bool parameter for setting to the Animator whether or not the Agent is moving.
Moving Speed Threshold Threshold value of the speed of moving
Speed Parameter Specify the float parameter for setting the moving speed to Animator.
Is Div Agent Speed Whether or not to divide by the speed set for Agent.
Speed Damp Time Dump time of moving speed.
Movement X Parameter Specify the float parameter for setting the X value of the moving direction vector in the Agent's local space to Animator.
Movement X Damp Time Dump time of X value of moving direction vector.
Movement Y Parameter Specify the float parameter for setting the Y value of the moving direction vector in the Agent's local space to Animator.
Movement Y Damp Time Dump time of Y value of moving direction vector.
Movement Z Parameter Specify the float parameter for setting the Z value of the moving direction vector in the Agent's local space to Animator.
Movement Z Damp Time Dump time of Z value of moving direction vector.
Turn Parameter Specify the float parameter for setting the turn direction to Animator.
Turn Damp Time Dump time in the turn direction.