

Type Name Description
ArborEvent Persistent callbacks that can also set arguments in ArborEditor
ArborEventUtility ArborEvent utility class
ParameterList Parameter list that supports data flow.
PersistentCall A class that makes persistent member calls by Reflection.Since it is for Arbor internal processing, if you want to call a member, use the built-in behavior such as ArborEvent class and InvokeMethod.
PersistentGetValue A class to get the value of a persistent member by Reflection.Since it is for Arbor internal processing, if you want to get the member value, use the built-in behavior such as GetValueCalculator.


Type Name Description
ArgumentAttributes Attribute flag of argument
MemberType Member type
ParameterType Types of argument types available for ArborEvent
TargetMode Specify target instance


Type Name Description
HideEventAttribute Attribute that hides the method in the selection popup of ArborEvent.
ShowEventAttribute Attributes to be displayed in selection popup even argument methods that can not be used for ArborEvent