
Type Name Description
IAssignFieldReceiver Interface for receiving field information when a Serializable type is assigned to a field under NodeBehaviour
IComponentProcessor Interface for Editor processing such as Undo. Used with ComponentUtility.
IDataSlot The interface of the slot that connects to the data flow
IFlexibleField FlexibleField interface
IInputSlot Interface of input DataSlot.
INodeBehaviourContainer Interface to use if Node is a NodeBehaviour container
INodeBehaviourSerializationCallbackReceiver Interface to receive callbacks upon serialization and deserialization.
INodeGraphContainer Interface to use if NodeBehaviour is a NodeGraph container
IOutputSlot Interface of output DataSlot.
IOutputSlotAny Interface that defines an output slot of any type
IOverrideConstraint Interface overriding type constraints
ISerializeVersionCallbackReceiver Callback receiver called from SerializeVersion class
ISubGraphBehaviour Interface to use if NodeBehaviour is a NodeGraph container
IValueSetter Interface to indicate that the value can set